Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Flat Out Bowl Holders from Wash Clothes

      Have you ever pulled a bowl out of the microwave and it was just too hot to hold with your hands?  Did you grab a dish towel to help hold it in your hands?  Why not make some bowl holders from toweling or terry cloth?  Better yet, buy wash clothes which would already be cut down to size.
      These are made following the 
"Flat Out Bowl Holder" tutorial.  Because the wash clothes and fabric were so thick, I didn't use batting inside.   
   By the way, I'm a fan of using dish towels so I don't have to buy paper towels for cleaning.


*A Tutorial Tuesday*

 The wash cloth selection I had to choose from had a variety of colors in one pack.
I bought 2 packs which gave me 4 sets of 4 of the same color.
Using the wash cloth as a pattern,
I cut out squares of curtain fabric 
which is slightly heavier than fashion fabric. 
I did not remove the hems.
If you've ever working with toweling or terry cloth fabric,
you know it ravels and sheds everywhere,
which is another plus for using premade wash clothes.
Pleated each side.
You can see I overlapped about an inch.
Pleats were stitched in the binded hem area.
Please click on the picture below to find the rest of the directions:

I did have to use a size 14 needle to go through the thickness.
The 2 thick fabrics together made a very cozy bowl holder.
Of course they are reversible.
To live up to their name, they do lay flatter to be used as a hot pad or like a coaster if they hold cold food.

This set was given as a Christmas gift last year.
Once I made a couple of sets, I got much faster and could make a set in an hour.

Note: I know some folks are gasping that I didn't use a heat resistant wadding.
These heavy cotton fabrics only get warm via the bowl, which in turn should only be heated by the food.
If your food gets hot enough to overheat the fabric, then the food is dangerously hot to eat.

I hope you enJOY making some Flat Out Bowl Holders!

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post

 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating the icon used on this page


  1. Hi there
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured this on my Round Tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. I'm not gasping for the lack of heat resistant wadding. lol I don't even add it to potholders. ;-)
    Using washcloths is brillant. If the person spill some of the content while moving the bowl, the washcloth fabric will soak it (keeping the microwave and the floor clean). Thank you!
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. Have a good week!

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing at Snickerdoodle Sunday. Pinning.

  4. Oh!! Thank you for this. I'm in the Caribbean and I connot find the "appropriate" all cotton batting and it costs a fortune to have some sent here :-( . I was wondering if I could 100% cotton towels instead of the special batting ... and VoilĂ ! I found your post. Thank you.


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