Monday, December 28, 2020
Monday Memory 120~ Grandmother's Garden Hexie Deal

Thursday, December 24, 2020
Thoughtful Thursday 170 ~ Mail Box Hot Pad & Free Quilt Design Software
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to save the pattern to share online. I can only print the pattern. I can save the file that can be opened by this software or another high priced quilt design software so you don't have to recreate the design.
So if you have just one more gift to make, then think about pulling out your scraps and scrap batting, spend some fun time with a new software to design your own personal pattern and make a pot holder?
It is a special time to think about those front line workers that never have been allowed to stop and rest for a moment. We owe our livelihood to them in ways we probably haven't thought about.
I also have a special nurse in my life too.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Wordless Wednesday 307 ~ Have a Sweet Christmas

Saturday, December 19, 2020
Quilt Shot 129~ Hour by Hour: Call to Action QOV Quilt
I found out I could lay my ironing board across the end of the cutting table, and it was at a much better height to iron and even slightly slanted. Used my OLD cordless iron I got back in the 80s. It won't hold water, but I rarely steam anything these days anyway. As I ironed the top was slid off to the table where it didn't wad up and wrinkle again.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Gingerbread Man Cards ~ Including FREE Embroidery File
After I download some new fonts I liked from DaFont, my favorite free font place, I used my Open Office Word processing program, also a free download, and created labels to stitch onto the card. I took a quick supper break while the papers dried from the Coffee Dying Process. The way I do coffee dying is not a long process at all.

Saturday, December 12, 2020
Quilt Shot 128 ~2020 Mask Quilt
Meanwhile, New York City was getting hit HARD. I had been planning for a long time to make some New York Beauty Blocks. I love paper piecing. Four of those blocks were placed at the top of the quilt since it was the top of the news for several weeks.
USPS and other delivery systems became a way of life since stores had closed and the "Vunerable" couldn't get out and shop. My daughter is a rural mail carrier and worked many long hours. I found out she had not been provided masks so I made some and "mailed" to her. Above is the scrappy block called USPS in All 4 Corners of the World I made from scraps of her mask to honor all the delivery people, including all truck drivers.
One went into a block to honor all those that worked tirelessly in the medical field including my other daughter, an RN. In this block I included a scrap from her mask. Another crumb block.