Monday, October 2, 2023

Mon Memory 146~ Quick Reference Wall


Several years ago blog world was publishing
their "Dream Boards"
It was a place where they posted their goals,
future projects and ideas.
For some it was like a Pinterest on the wall.
Matter of fact, I believe this was before Pinterest days began.
So I started a "Dream Board."
It started as a piece of  3ft x2ft styrofoam used in a box to pack something.
I wrapped it in blue knit fabric
then nailed to the wall.
I used pins to post things on this board.
It quickly became a place where I posted
measurement notes,
reference charts
So it became my Reference Wall.
I could look these up on my 
my phone/computer folder
DuckDuckGO the internet.
It its quicker for me to look up at this board 
across from my cutting table
or take down the pinned reference
and lay on my work space
like I did when I recently took down the card above 
when I made another yard flag.
 As you can see this board
 holds a lot of quick reference
of things I make often, but can't remember exact measurements.
Like my
 For the mug organizer
I finally just made a quick pattern so I don't have to measure out the piece.
You'll also find a 16 inch square to cut pillow tops.

I have no idea why I pinned a bag of cotton on here.
It's labeled "cushion square and stuff?"
The birds are just a vision to remind me how to make the birds 
I've also printed out some of the charts for 
making various half square triangle methods.

Its also a place I hang things I don't want to lose.
I can keep track of them here. 
For example:
the flag my daughter made in junior high just by putting scraps together.
She tried my new serger without my supervision.
Now that was brave of both of us.
I have hung some old yard flags here
I may want to make again.
I also have one of my Mother's old patterns
I used often when I was younger.
A piece of a candle wicking project
I inherited with the needle and thread 
still intact. 
I do not know why I'm saving it.
It was such a unique artifact.
I still look at my daughter's flag 
at machine applique that no one was really doing at the time
and she stuffed it!
Did she know about trapunto?
This junior high kid was way ahead of her time.
Or was she sitting in the background those Saturday mornings
when I watched Sewing with Nancy and all those other PBS shows
and while the family made fun of me,
she actually saw something she wanted to try? 
If she had time to sit at a machine today,
I wonder what she could do
instead of deliver mail 6 days a week!
So even though this Quick Reference Wall
used to be a Dream Board
it is really a
Memory Board?
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  1. I actually think that this is quite useful. I have so many scraps and notes in so many different places it drives me crazy when I need something. I had a reference bulletin board at work with lists and schedules and calendars that kept me from having to go through piles of paper and it saved so much time. Kudos to you for taking a novelty and making it something more.

  2. A board like this is very helpful and handy to have nearby. Thanks so much for linking up at #IMadeItMondayLinkParty 26. Pinned.

  3. I had one of those boards at one time but rarely looked at it so I took it down in favour of some display space for one of my landscapes. I liked the idea of the board but it just didn't work for me.


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