Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tues Tutorial~ My Friend's 1970 Jean Bag Pattern/ Mini Diaper Bag



At the end of this last April I lost my high school BFF, College Roommate and Teacher colleague of which we taught in the same school 3 years together and had a blast. That school just happened to be where we both attended grades 1-6th together. Our parent's farms connected on the back acres where we met occasionally on the creek and spent the afternoon, mostly dreaming.  We'd get on the soap box there, after school in the classroom and later in life on the phone. It was hard to end conversations, because we'd reappear saying, "and another thing!" That became our private note phrase when we later sent cards.

    While in high school, she had shared a purse  pattern with me, drawn out on some newspaper. That's how we traded patterns then. Yes, we were kindred spirits as we liked to sew and teach.  

      I moved away in 2000 to pursue a tech career in education. So, of course we didn't get to see each other as much afterwards. While going through things in the past years, I came across a bag I made myself from that pattern. I used that little purse a lot. I also, made a few for baby showers back then, and Mothers have come back and told me that little bag came in handy for a quick run with just a diaper and wet ones. I used a wet wash cloth in a plastic bag back in my baby running around days. 

 I decided to recreate the pattern since I couldn't find the old newspaper pattern, which I attempted to make it twice back in 2018, the purse just didn't look the same as the old one.  I finally realized my analyzing my old purse more closely, the bottom corners were rounded and included darts. 

  I've recently made 2 for baby showers and they were a success. So finally I have a pattern to share which you will find to download toward the end of this post.  I'm dedicating this post to my friend Bonnie. RIP 


You can actually make
2 bags from one pair of adult jeans.
You'll have the front zipper/pocket and waistband left.
The pocket cut out with the bag pattern
works better than
cutout with the flap pattern.
You can cut the flap and bag from the back leg.

Take the front leg
Cut off the hem.
Fastest way to cut 3 inch wide straps
is to rotary cut.
The pant leg will let you cut 2 strips,
then when sewn together will equal 34 to 36 inches long.
Fold in half and 
turn in sides 1/4 inch and top stitch together.
Leave the ends unfinished.

Sew darts on all 4 bag pieces
Sew lining together 
matching darts
Do same for outer bag.
Remember leave opening on bottom of the bag lining
to turn bag inside out later.
Sew the flap and lining together
Turn inside out
Top stitch around the edge
Stay stitch across the top edge.
(Sorry no detailed pictures)

Turn bag right side out.
Pin strap ends over each side seam
and the flap in between.
Place the jeans right sides together.
Turn lining wrong side out
and place over the bag
matching side seams. 
Stitch all around the top.
Double stitch over strap ends.
Turn inside out
Stitch the opening closed.
Top stitch 1/4 inch around top edge
of bag.
Do some final pressing 
and you're done.

NOte: The pocket on the flap in this case
did not work well,
because there was not enough fabric to cut above the pocket
to leave enough room for a good seam.
As you can see,
the opening of the pocket is
placed too high.
So be aware of how much space
is above the pocket.

Just FYI:
Note the fly zipper area was used as a pocket on the flap.
The side pocket was used on the back of the bag.
Be creative.


Download the pattern HERE.

This post was shared at the following links:



  1. What fun! Of course I love anything using recycled denim. This would be handy to not only carry a diaper and wipes, but also a cell phone and keys.

  2. I remember back in high school almost everyone had some form of a jean's bag. What a great idea as a shower gift for a diaper bag. It might be nice as a "grandma" bag for babysitting too.

    1. A Grandma bag is a great idea. I made a big Grandma bag for my daughter and one for my friend that likes to take stuff to church for several kids. A small one would be great as well.


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