Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Memory~ New Sewing Journal


I finally used the last page of my sewing journal that I had 
used for 24 years! 

I try to document each job and project I do. 
Sometimes just what I did.
Sometimes I record measurements.
Sometimes I record tips.
In the back of the last journal on the last page,
I recorded Titles of Audio books
I listened to while working in the sewing room. 

Ever since I was involved in
the Western KY University Writing Project,
I guess I have become obsessed with Journals of all kinds.
I keep another
that is like a Diary.
Actually comes in handy at tax time
when I need dates.
That old sewing journal,
has lots of memories
and records of Christmas Gifts over the years.


  1. In 65+ years of sewing, I've never kept a proper journal. Until February when I got a new machine. Now retired, I have more time. I'm assiduously noting all I do. I listen to the radio too as I work. Thank you for the suggestion note good programmes ar the back of my little book.

  2. I use my blog as my journal and I suppose I really should back it up somehow because no doubt it might disappear one of these days.

    1. My blog is another journal. When I need to remake something, I referred to my Blog Tutorials, because I don't get that detailed in my journal.
      Did you know you can do a blog backup? Go to "Settings" in the left column, scroll down to "Manage Blog", Back up Content. I save in a folder inside my blog folder on my computer, and in the event my computer crashes, it's also on a memory card. So if someone hacks the blog, I hope to use the backup to reformat it all. Just guessing. The back up is just a bunch of html and knows where pictures are located. Therefore the file doesn't take up much space.

  3. That's such a creative and smart idea!


Have a JOYful day!
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