Friday, February 28, 2025

Fun Fri~Always EnJOY Flowers Longer by Drying Them


this past Christmas?
I just can't stand throwing out cut flowers.
I want to enJOY them as long as possible.
So when they start wilting,
I remove the water in the container 
to let the stem dry out.
This is what I get:

If you don't remove the water,
the stem begins to rot and disintegrate,
and the flowers continue to wilt.
I've heard some people say hang them upside down,
but mine have done well just leaving them in the container.

 It's interesting to see what colors will survive,
or how the color changes.
I really like the "antique" look they get. 
Some later begin to shed.
I just sweep them up and
 throw those pieces away.
Did you notice in Wednesday's picture some of
Mr.G's flowers that I had dried?
They were the last bouquet he got me in October, 2021. 
A few of the rose petals have fallen off when I accidentally hit it.
I'm glad I still have them.


  1. Wonderful idea to enjoy flowers for much longer. I will have to remember this for the next time I happen to get flowers.

  2. Hai utilizzato proprio una bella idea, quella di essicarli per il ricordo. Anch'io l'ho fatto con alcuni per ricordare chi me li ha regalati.

  3. There is definitely a vintage beauty in dried flowers.


Have a JOYful day!
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