Our local quilt shop & quilt guild like many places
all over the country have gotten many requests for face masks.
I was apprehensive
since these don't compare to the N95 masks that are needed to defend against Coronavirus.
since these don't compare to the N95 masks that are needed to defend against Coronavirus.
Then I personally got a request from
an assisted living facility that simply needed
to protect residents against the flu still going
around and now pollen.
an assisted living facility that simply needed
to protect residents against the flu still going
around and now pollen.
I didn't have enough elastic for 150 masks
so I needed to make ties.
so I needed to make ties.
In researching
I found the ties
are preferred for long term wear.
I found the ties
are preferred for long term wear.
I also discovered
many like different fabrics on each side
so they can remember which
is outside/inside.
many like different fabrics on each side
so they can remember which
is outside/inside.
With my arthritis,
turning a 9×6" rectangle inside out
becomes painful after a while.
turning a 9×6" rectangle inside out
becomes painful after a while.
So even though
there are 100s of patterns,
tutorials & videos out there,
there are 100s of patterns,
tutorials & videos out there,
here is my tutorial
with a few more tips
to make the process faster and easier to handle.
with a few more tips
to make the process faster and easier to handle.
And besides,
wouldn't it be a lot more fun wearing these
than those boring blue masks?
And they're washable for personal use
& not disposable.
So if you are lucky to be stuck home,
dust off that machine
wouldn't it be a lot more fun wearing these
than those boring blue masks?
And they're washable for personal use
& not disposable.
So if you are lucky to be stuck home,
dust off that machine
I've made both 9x7 and 9x6.
Can't tell any difference.
Turn inside out
Press seams flat
Fold along seam lines
Each crease line line
will be pulled up half way to next crease line.
Stitch down pleats with 1/8 " seam
on each end.
Cut in straight of grain, not bias.
Easier to manage and they're not being sewn on a curve.
Plus, it saves fabric.
Meet edges to center to fold into 1/4
and press.
You can press entire tie half then meet center
to help fold.
I eventually was able to hand fold as machine pulled the tie through.
I did press in the beginning end to help start.
Stitch right side of center of a tie
to pleated end on the INSIDE
with 1/4 inch seam.
(Note you do see a bias seam in my tie because I had to piece fabric together to acquire needed length.)
I love, love my edge stitch foot to sew the ties.
Makes for super fast work.
I hand tucked edges to center
by pulling the tie taut and then folding in half.
After making about 20 of these,
I found out I could save about 5 minutes and my fingers on each by not tying knots.
Instead, press in the end on each end.
No frayed ends visible.
I also have requests from family
and friends for 6 more.
I see
I hear people are dusting off
their machines
to help this cause.
So think about it,
some folks
have a need
just for standard masks.
I simply remind them
DO NOT let these give you
a false sense of hope
in defending yourself against COFID-19.
Great tutorial Joy - thank you. I just wish I wasn't so horribly claustrophobic, otherwise I'd be making them for myself. You're right to remind people that they don't replace the 'proper' masks for actual defense, but they certainly can protect for general use. Stay safe!