Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thoughtful Thurs 192~ Crocheted Edge Flannel Blankets

Here's today's THOUGHT.
One of the projects my Hand Needlework group does
is crochet the edges of a 36 inch square of flannel
to use as a blanket to cover incubators in the NICU of a local hospital.
The blanket blocks out the bright lights used in the unit.
 The corners are rounded.
After a special rotary blade is used to
cut the holes about 1/2 inch from the edge,
a single crochet is stitched in each hole.
The edge is rolled over as the stitches are made
for a neater finish.
A "H" hook was used for this project.

The second round was a single crochet
in each stitch.
On the corners 2 stitches were added in each stitch. 
Color was changed for the 3rd round.
1 slip stitch in first stitch , 3 half double crochets in next stitch
Repeat the 2 stitches for one round
tie off and hide ends.
We try to think of service projects.
Most of them just come to us.
I'm sure there is a hospital in your area that could use these.
You can do a web search for "crochet edge flannel blankets"
to find more crochet patterns to use.
Be as creative as you like.
Once the blanket is used,
it goes home with the little one.
So what do you think?
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  1. Most definitely cuddle-worthy! I wonder how using a crab stitch for the final row would be? I often add it to projects because it gives a nicely finished edge.

    1. I'll have to look up the crab stitch. Thanks for the clue.

  2. That is such a thoughtful project. Something that a lot of love goes into I'm sure.

  3. oooh I need one of those special rotary blades! What are they called? I started a fusion blanket but gave up when I couldn't get the holes right. I love your blanket, it will be perfect for the babies... xx


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