Getting Acquainted with Sewing Machine (Con't)

Continuing from 

1. Students check for bobbin placement and determine if they have drop in or side load bobbins.
2. Provide bobbins where needed. Demonstrate how to wind a bobbin on different machine.  Identify bobbin holder and how to switch on and off.
3. Observe and evaluate the skill to use machine to wound bobbin.  Students can explain to other students that need help, but not do for them.
4. Demonstrate how to thread different machines. Explain importance of making sure thread is in tension discs which may or may not be visible. Observe and evaluate the skill to thread machine.   Students can explain to other students that need help, but not do for them.  New machines today are usually marked with errors directing threading.
5. Explain the need for pressure foot to be lowered for machine to work. 

6. Talk about tension, determining if it should be adjusted and to adjust on different machines. 
     When adjusting tension phrases to remember:
  •   Lefty Loosy and Righty Tighty which means turn left to loosen and right to tighten.
  •   High numbers usually tighten and Low loosens. 


7. Provide fabric samples for students to sew to test tension.  
If more time needed, mark quarter inch seams and and practice sewing 2 fabrics together with a quarter inch seam.


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