Friday, March 14, 2025

Fun Fri~ Struggle Tool: Chain Piecing Cutter

Have you seen the cooking channels on You Tube,
that show how to make low cost meals when you're on a tight budget?
Some refer to them as "Struggle Meals."

Mr. G found this "Cutting Gizmo" in a Florida fabric store
while I was shopping.
He was always good at hunting around for bargains,
and weird things.
I first thought I didn't need it. 
Man was I wrong.
Glad he bought it for me.
Besides using it,
I'm reminded of him and that trip every time I see/use it.

There is now one you can get that uses your old rotary blades. 
Much smaller,
but I will say,
this one is very stable.

Then the other day,
the following idea came across my Facebook screen.

I would call this a "Struggle Tool",
because I'd say everybody already has these items
which would make it a very low budget tool.

It's a seam ripper.
placed inside the spool stopper (put at end of spool to hold in place.)
that comes with sewing machines.
Who sews and doesn't have a seam ripper?
If you've bought a machine in the last 20 years,
you have the spool holder/stopper....whatever.

I was surprised to find it to be rather stable and sit in place,
especially sitting on my cutting mat which isn't a smooth surface.

So, there you go.
A struggle tool because it costs
ZERO pennies.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! So brilliant and free for most of us because we all have the spool stoppers and likely have a small seam ripper too.


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