Machine Stitching Quilt Block Pieces & Review Threading Machine

After quilt block pieces are cut in the previous lesson, do the following demonstration to make sure students understand how a machine works when sewing.

This demonstration uses people to represent parts of a sewing machine and how a thread is threaded through the machine.  A ball of large red yard & 2 large paper plates will be needed.

2. Have someone hold the paper plates back to back.  These will represent the tension discs of the machine.
3. Place a person to the the person's right holding the plates to represent the foot of the machine. When the person stands, the paper plates will be pulled apart.  When the person squats representing the foot down, the plates will press against each other.
4. Place a person between the plates and the machine foot person. This new person will hold out one arm in front of them and will represent the pressure foot lever. So when their arm goes down the pressure foot person will squat down & the paper plates will be placed back to back.
5. A person will hold the ball of yard which represents the thread on the thread spool pin.
6. Place another person between the thread spool pin and the discs to represent the guide between the 2.  That person will hold hand face down with fingers curled to represent the guide holding the thread.
7. You might want to place another person to represent the guide above the needle.  This guide is often missed.

This activity is to explain how the pressure foot must be placed down when sewing, and up when not sewing and thread needs to be pulled through tension discs.  This activity also helps review machine parts again as well as threading a machine.

Demonstrate how to sew 2 squares together.  If time is available, sewing the entire 9 patch showing students how to match seams.  You will often find students at first will try to lay the squares side by side to sew instead of right sides together matching corners and edges.

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