Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Wordless Wed 409~ What Does a Red Bird Think About?
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Monday, March 3, 2025
Mon Memories~ Feb Visit to Mr G at Camp Nelson
I began to think February wasn't going to give me
a descent day of weather to go to Camp Nelson.
However today it gave me
a beautiful sunny day of high 60°
that kissed a 70 for about a minute.I LOVE the view from his resting place.
In one direction,
you can see one of the flags of the cemetary,
and the flag across the street
displayed by a business.
It's a full size flag also.
Very honorable.
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8:00:00 AM
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Sunday, March 2, 2025
Sun Best~ Provoked Thought: Proverbs 12:19
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Friday, February 28, 2025
Fun Fri~Always EnJOY Flowers Longer by Drying Them
this past Christmas?
I just can't stand throwing out cut flowers.
I want to enJOY them as long as possible.
So when they start wilting,
I remove the water in the container
to let the stem dry out.
This is what I get:
the stem begins to rot and disintegrate,
and the flowers continue to wilt.
I've heard some people say hang them upside down,
but mine have done well just leaving them in the container.
It's interesting to see what colors will survive,
It's interesting to see what colors will survive,
or how the color changes.
I really like the "antique" look they get.
Some later begin to shed.
I just sweep them up and
throw those pieces away.
Did you notice in Wednesday's picture some of
Mr.G's flowers that I had dried?
They were the last bouquet he got me in October, 2021.
I'm glad I still have them.
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8:00:00 AM

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Wordless Wed 408~ Mr G is Thriving to Make it to Spring
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2:53:00 PM

Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sun Best~ Provoked Thought: Phillipians 3:13
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Friday, February 21, 2025
Fun Fri~ Clell's Quilt Repair Begins
I was asked to repair this everyday quilt,
so it could continue to be used.
A person brought it to me for someone else.
I agreed to try to make repairs
as long as I didn't have to match fabrics.
They didn't care what I did.
They just wanted to keep using it,
before it fell completely apart.
With my big stash of fabric,
I thought I would have plenty fabrics
that would come close.
I did not.
It's a very heavy quilt.
Inside is an original quilt.
No telling how old.
I can't wait to hear the history.
The old quilt was covered like a duvet
with curtain or light weight upholstery fabrics.
The edges are not a regular seam,
but rather each layer was turned under
and hand sewn together.
was a loose woven fabric
and located where the feet
with background
and red/green that somewhat matched.
the old fabric to the old quilt
so it wouldn't move around under the fabric
I was about to cover it with.
Thinking less movement,
less fraying?
fold under & stitch idea,
I did the same with the new fabric.
Not sure you can see
how the stitches are holding together
the folded under edges.
You can in the previous 2 pictures.
Don't know how long this repair will take.
I'm to pick up prom dresses to alter this coming weekend
like I did last year.
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12:00:00 PM

Thursday, February 20, 2025
Thoughtful Thurs~ The Story Behind Aunt Ethel the Christmas Cactus
Since I try not to use words on Wordless Wed,
I thought today you might want to know
some details about Aunt Ethel.
Way back
when I was a teenage
we visited Uncle Noel and Aunt Ethel
in Onarga, Illinois.
Aunt Ethel gave my Mother a piece
of her beautiful Christmas Cactus.
No telling its age.
Back home in Glasgow, KY
Mother planted the pieces in a large
container of dirt.
It thrived and multiplied.
I don't remember it blooming,
because at that age
I had more important things on my mind.
The big plant moved to town
when my parents left the farm.
When Mother passed away in 2014,
I grabbed the beautiful, bushy, healthy plant
and brought it to Lexington with me.
I still don't recall it having ever bloomed.
Just green.
That's how I thought a Christmas Cactus
was supposed to look.
It stayed well for a couple of years,
until one year
I thought I had the brilliant idea
to set it under a tree
where the occasional rains
would water it for me.
I almost drowned it.
I thought I had killed it!
The container didn't have drain holes,
because Mother kept it in the house.
I poured water out of that container,
and kept pouring.
A few days later,
some pieces literally
fell out of the pot with no roots attached.
The roots were rotting.
I panicked
and pulled some still healthy pieces out
with their roots
and let them dry.
I dumped the old dirt
and got a new bag.
I thought I'd start dry again.
I stuck the pieces in the dirt
like my Mother had originally done.
In sunlight with occasional water,
Aunt Ethel started reviving.
She grew more pieces over the years.
Aunt Ethel and I moved again,
north of Lexington.
So I think she can be considered a traveler.
A few pieces have grown.
As you can see,
she seeked out the sunlight across another pot.
For a while,
I think she actually was mourning with me
over Mr. G.
She sits next to the last flowers that
Mr. G gave me.
daughter gave me for Mother's Day back in 2020
Aunt Ethel
can see Mr. G the Poinsettia
still in full bloom to this day.
but I love them for their
thoughts & memories.
So this year finally
My cousin got a piece of a Cactus
from our Uncle Arnold.
What do you think the name of her plant is?
I must say
I think
Uncle Arnold is thriving a lot more than Aunt Ethel.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Wordless Wed 407~ Aunt Ethel Finally Bloomed After 18 Years of Struggles
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8:00:00 AM

Monday, February 17, 2025
Mon Memories~The Kentucky 2025 Flood
On February 5, 2025 we got about 2 inches of rain overnight.
So the creek rose,
but no big deal.
It does usually recede quickly within a day or two.
This creek gets run off from the northern part of the county
where Lexington, KY is located.
the notice above arrives in my Fox Weather app.
I refer to them and Ryan Hall on You Tube.
Both are very reliable and non dramatic.
Usually right on target with predictions.
I had never heard of a
"Hydrologic Outlook"
(Apparently this spell checker hadn't either.)
On Sat, Feb 15, 2025
It drizzled here all day.
Meanwhile all across the southern part of KY
it was pouring about 3 to 4 inches.
Some weather people were mumbling
about this might surpass the hundred year flood
and be a 500 year flood.
sent the picture above and below.
The creek (in the tree line) had flooded their
creek bottom field.
This happens often
with big rains
and they know to move the cattle to higher ground.
for a few hours,
because the water goes over the drive.
Their big high trucks & tractors usually don't care.
Problem is, the road is also flooded in both directions for a while.
This was happening all over across southern KY
and north all the way to Louisville
and down to Nashville.
Meanwhile, it only drizzled at my house all day,
and I got about half inch as well as Lexington.
So by the end of Sat
my creek looked like this:
and was almost about normal level.
still remained in the pumpkin patch
on the other side of the creek
which is lower the bank on my side.
Our Governor Beshear had already declared an emergency for
all 120 counties of KY,
because of more predicted rain to come.
HHS Sec, Kristi Noem had contacted our Governor,
by the end of the day
declaring they were ready for FEMA to give help. When I went to bed,
I had heard that eastern KY
and Virginia had gotten hit hard during the day,
and they were going to get the 3 to 4 inches
I was about to get overnight.
The next morning, Sun, Feb 16, 2025
I woke up to this:
This was 7 am and the radar
was showing for the most part the rain was over.
I was able to step out to get more pictures.
We had gotten 3.68 inches in the last 24 hours.
Mother Nature had to literally put the frosting on the cake.
About 8:30
In 15 minutes, 8:45 am we had this:
and it was looking rather beautiful.
The southern portion that got so much rain,
thank goodness
only got a skif of snow.
However, the high temperature for the next couple of days
with more snow Tuesday night.
Since this flood was statewide for KY,
it will be remembered.
This flood is being compared to the
Flood of 1977.
Some places hit that record,
some didn't.
Rivers were expected to crest sometime Mon?
Pikeville, KY might have broken records,
because water got were it had never gotten before,
especially after the city had done so much construction
to prevent the floods the mountains cause.
Don't think it was the 500 year flood though.
As of Monday morning,
11 lives had been lost in KY
due to floods.
"A weekend that made memories for many."
This picture taken
February 17,2025, 6pm
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