Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Quilt Block 180~ Easy Peasy QOV Quilted and Finished


This quilt was awarded to one of our police officers
who served as a Marine.

 Previous post of more details about this quilt
can be found
and the binding
Amazing how long it took me to make
such an easy quilt
and even to have someone quilt it!
To play with the Latin words of the Marines,
I should SIMPLify quilt making more.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thoughtful Thurs~ Sept 2024 Needlework Group Meeting


Sharing the projects people worked on
during the meeting of September.
Crocheting edging on fleece
for the NICU at the University of Kentucky Hospital.
They have as many as 100 infants at one time.
These blankets cover the incubators to
block out harsh bright lights.
This is one of our group projects.
We could say this lady is a professional in crocheting,
because she has taught classes for years.
She has made each of her children, grand children and now
great grand children beautiful blankets. 
This one is waiting for arrival of the newest addition.
This member has kept track of group attendance since sometime before COVID.
She's making Prayer Squares which are left in waiting rooms, etc
for people to grab and hold on to.
Another of our group projects.
Just google prayer squares if you would like the pattern.
Another member and I
brought a QOV that we were binding.
Our deadline was in 2 days.
This KY Extension Agent group used to be for 
crocheting, knitting, tatting, etc.
A couple of years ago
it was decided to add hand quilting
and anything involving threads and fiber.
Embroidering and stitching cloth books is becoming an interest.
Besides bringing our projects,
we spend a lot of time while we work
talking about other interests and ideas,
sharing websites and sometimes books.
Recently someone brought a crochet finger ring threader
for discussion. 

At this meeting we had 5 attending.
We have had as many as 9.
So I have to wonder
is needlework becoming
a dying art?