Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tues Tutorial~ SIL#1 Bday Card 2025

   This was a belated birthday card due to a great temperature drop, and I didn't heat up my sewing room. Nor, was I able to get to my mailbox.
   Let's be clear about the label of #1. He was the first son-in-law that I was blessed to have
   Remember I make my personal cards to reflect something that happened during the previous year. Can you tell one of the things my son-in-law likes to hunt. 
Tuesday Tutorial

In searching for the most simple duck drawing, because I was only using the outline, I came across, "How to Draw a Duck."  They had a coloring page available to download for free. I then downsized the picture to fit and print on one quarter of the page.

I decided to use something from
 my huge collection embroidery thread
 which I seldom use anymore.

I usually use a fabric softener sheet to back my work for cards.
However, since I was using the lighter weight embroider thread,
I pulled out a scrapping of embroidery stabilizer. 


I decided to use a triple stitch
to embolden the stitch line.
I even thought about doing an echo stitch
of a different color,
but decided that would be too fiddling.
A triple stitch takes 2 stitches forward, 1 backward.

 Of course I tested first
including the stabilizer.
I also still used a  single stitching foot,
instead of a free motion foot.


1 comment:

  1. I often use coloring pages for designs and also print them off and then write letters to the grandies on the back. Cute card!


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