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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Quilt Shot 128 ~2020 Mask Quilt


This quilt is made from scraps from making 665 face masks.
It's my answer to this year's Elkhorn Creek Quilt Guild Challenge,
which was announced at the beginning of March.
"Anything that has to do with the number 2020"

First all the scraps were sorted into piles by size, not by color.

I made blocks that represented something about the experience of making
masks during the Corona, COVID 19, China Virus,
whatever people wanted to call it.

 Several of the individual blocks have been posted already.
A few Crumb Blocks were created to represent
how life was moving on with people socializing in public life.

The Variable Star represented my state Kentucky before it all started.
A bit organized with folks still running the routine of going to school, church and other events.
The second Variable Star represented the first case of the virus in Kentucky.
Upon hearing of the first case, our Governor called a shut down and everyone rushed to the grocery stores.

So the Wonky Log Cabin was made as chaos started happening
as people scuttled around to figure out how to get their work done,
child care for kids not going to school and not able to go to public child care,
or worse how to buy food and make a house payment without a job.
The elderly "Vunerable" (highly likely to suffer the most due to medical conditions)
 found ways to buy groceries without going to the grocery.
At this point I was so thankful for my church family making sure I had food to prepare,
by adding my needs to their grocery pick up list and bringing me the items.

Heart of the Cabin declared the home was a safe haven for many of us.
Many got to be with their families and loved ones more than ever.
Several found out there was something called Zoom to help with work, school and allow many of us to attend church.

Meanwhile, New York City was getting hit HARD.  I had been planning for a long time to make some New York Beauty Blocks. I love paper piecing.  Four of those blocks were placed at the top of the quilt since it was the top of the news for several weeks. 

USPS and other delivery systems became a way of life since stores had closed and the "Vunerable" couldn't get out and shop.  My daughter is a rural mail carrier and worked many long hours.  I found out she had not been provided masks so I made some and "mailed" to her.  Above is the scrappy block called USPS in All 4 Corners of the World I made from scraps of her mask to honor all the delivery people, including all truck drivers.

Four Won't You Be My Neighbor six inch blocks were made and added to 4 blocks,
since the home became headquarters and neighbors started meeting neighbors on walks,
and checking on each other.

One went into a block to honor all those that worked tirelessly in the medical field including my other daughter, an RN.  In this block I included a scrap from her mask.  Another crumb block.

My nurse daughter got the Tweety mask. I don't think she Tweets.  Notice my mail carrier daughter's mask in lower left.  A scrap from the very first mask is in bottom right corner. 

 One was placed with a New York Beauty, because the streets of 
NYC became empty has people stayed home.

The LOVE block is a paper pieced block designed by
Through all this, it just seems to me more love has been spread around among everyone. Also, our love and hearts go out to all those that have lost loved ones during this time.  Some have died of something besides the virus and none of the family got to be by their side during those last moments.
Also during this time a ton of my friends and strangers came to my front porch to pick up their requested masks, or to donate fabric.  I saw more people at my home during this time than the whole time I've lived here since 2011!  Many I got to speak with from a distance. Something we don't usually do since we now have the internet.

I donated ALL the masks, although several left a generous money donation or fabric for me to keep making masks for more people or simply to cover my costs. I slowed down and eventually stopped making masks once someone had the fantastic idea to get donated machines and supplies and have folks at the prison in the neighboring county to mass produce masks for various groups that needed them. 


And before it's finally over, How Wonky Will our Cabins Be?
Scraps were pieced together to make the backing.

Plenty of scraps were STILL left for the border and you can see HERE.

I made the first block in April,
then stopped to make a graduation quilt
Then more blocks were made in between making
There were also a couple of baby gifts , coffee can, mug organizers and
 Pumpkin and Star yard flag as well.
 Finally, in September the blocks were laid out in various formations for the top.
It was SO hard to make up my mind.
I'm not crazy about sampler quilts.
I guess its the organization that drives me crazy,
because there is no pattern?
The only pattern here is the progression of this worldwide Pandemic.

 THIS is always the moment when it really gets exciting:
The last 4 inches.

The Guild Quilt show is not until March, 2021,
when I will be south of here.
So my goal has to be to have my challenge quilt finished before the end of December
to leave with someone to turn in for the quilt show.


  1. This is amazing Joy! Please be sure that your story about the blocks accompanies that quilt - both to the show AND attached to the quilt so that your thoughts about each block never gets lost. Seriously - it's important to do that!!

    1. The show requires a description as every quilt has a story. Besides the name tag, as you suggest, I should add a tag telling the story the quilt tells. Thanks for the idea.

  2. 665 masks?! Plus this quilt and more? You are a quilting MACHINE!!! Thanks for sharing the symbolism held within the stitches of this quilt. It will be a tangible reminder of the good you did this strange year.

  3. cutting of clothes in different ways and then make a style of them is a really difficult technique. But it looks so nice,


Have a JOYful day!
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