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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Fall 2018 Trip North- Day 6, Part 1- Port Hurton to Forester, Michigan

 As we left our hotel on day 6, a Sunday,
we were given a farewell by some 
Canadian geese, I'm assuming.
I had chosen this place,
because a Church of Christ was close by.
Not many of those found in Michigan.
However, when we arrived 15 minutes before service,
not a car one was in the parking lot,
and a note on the door said they were in some 
river park somewhere about 15 minutes away.
We had not dressed to sit outside on a damp, windy 55° morning.
So, we headed north unable to find a Church of Christ.
Their website had not mentioned an alternate site.
Wished it had.
 We had to travel a while through the city and other small towns,
 and saw some beautiful neighborhoods.
 Looks like picnic tables were ready for winter already?
 We do like to visit places named Lexington.
We didn't plan it.
Just happened to be on the way.
How come it seems some of the greatest shots are on Mr. G's side of the car?

 We love traveling any road that goes along the water.
This is Lake Huron.

Day 6, Part 1

 Related Sites:

Day 1 Part 1

1 comment:

  1. The pig and bird are rather cool aren't they! And wouldn't you love to see inside that beautiful house?


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