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Monday, May 30, 2022

Mon Memory 131~ Using a Paper Pattern


Oh, this event flooded in so many sewing memories. 
I have saved every pattern I've ever acquired.
I haven't ever tried to count how many I have.  Guesstimate = 500+?
 Recently, I had a need to make a newborn dress.
So I pulled out the patterns I used for my daughters.
I couldn't believe I actually needed to quickly review the instructions.
I've been told I'm a rebel,
and I am when it comes to not following pattern directions
and doing my own way.
Simplicity and McCalls seemed to never want to break tradition
and find a more simple, fast way.
But, in this case, I just needed to see their suggestions on 
finishing the bodice closure around the neck.

I can't remember how I got this bundle of fabric.
Rather than a yard sale,
I think it came in a box, bag of fabric someone
gave me.
It had the front and back pieces of a 
teenage size dress cut out and then a couple
of fat quarter size pieces and scraps
enough to make this dress.
When I looked through my
 drawer of lace (I have packed in a lot more since 2014),
low and behold I found just enough exactly matching lace!
Surely it came with the bundles of fabric?

 So because I now do quilting and mostly little projects
I rarely get around to making a garment
which I used to do ALL the time
so my kids and I would have something to wear
back in the day when you could make a garment
for 1/3 the price of store bought.

Yes! certainly a lot of memories while working on this project.

This post was shared @

Create with Joy: Inspire Me Monday  (a Must place to visit.)

Stone Cottage Adventures: Tues with a Twist.... Check out all the ideas on this linky

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Fun Fri ~ 5th Grade Graduation Card

It's that time of the year!
So time to have some Fri Fun making a card.

You do see scissors,
but small scrap pieces were hand torn as well.
Love the fun ragged edges.

The drawing on the left
 is the one I've used
 I drew a smaller size on white fabric
 with a Frixon pen.
 No measuring involved. 
Just straight lines.

With such small pieces to applique,
I still have fun, believe it or not.
The stitch length is lowered.
This is where the automatic pressure foot comes in VERY handy.
I'm so lucky to have this feature.
Again, helping to make it fun.
When I stop stitching to turn,
I can keep my hands on the work,
while my pressure foot automatically raises 
just enough to let me turn the fabric.
Then when I press the peddle,
the pressure foot lowers and continues to stitch.
I don't have to have my right hand
 on the pressure foot lever all the time
for this tedious work.
I do wish for a foot peddle 
let's me tell the machine
to cut the thread
at which time this machine does completely
raise the pressure foot.

 and fun done.

 Hope everyone has or will
have fun at
 their events this late spring.
 Other articles related to this post:
Sum of Their Stories: Handmade Monday (Lots of great ideas/recipes)

Friday, May 20, 2022

Fun Fri~ Daughter's 2022 Bday Card

Inspiration for her card:
A picture I took of the farm view in front of her home.
Her husband and son were just to the left of the screen

I love making cards.
My desk top becomes my palette of fabric scraps,
and my scissors became my paint brush.
LOTS of trial and error.

The figurine was free hand cut.
Her son wears a cowboy hat.
Really there is organization to my palette.
Use of painter's tape instead of pins to hold the card in place for stitching.

An addition to the inside
before I wrote a personal Happy Birthday note.
Decided to leave the oversized sun rays. 
Folded them down when I put the card in the envelope.

Shared on Sum of Their Stories: Handmade Monday.  A great place to visit.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thoughtful Thur 184~ He Still Gives Me Flowers


Mr. G always was surprising me and bringing in what I called
"Just Because Flowers"
When I think about it, 
the reason was really "Just Because He Loved Me."

I miss him coming in that door
with an arm load of things "for me'
complimented with a BIG smile.
When I first moved here,
he planted this Knock Out rose bush.
So he is STILL giving me flowers.
The pot of ivy in front is his doings as well.

His thoughtfulness of flower giving are still with me.
He is in my thoughts nearly every minute of every day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tues Tutorial~ Binding Potholder


A lot of scrappy potholders were made this past winter. Different ways were tried in binding the potholders. The natural way for a quilt maker was to bind like a quilt. 
Finally my head decided to use the old fashion way of binding clothes when garments were made several years ago. The positive about this method gives 1 less layer of fabric for the sewing machine to pound through. 
Tuesday Tutorial
 First make the LOOP for the hot pad
Start with a 1½ inch wide strip. A long strip will make several loops.
 Fold in half to find the center then fold the edges to meet the center.

Put loop wherever you like.
Cut a 1 inch wide strip. (I use a fat 1 inch.)
as long as needed or pieced to go around potholder.
Pieces to make this binding were stitched on the 45° angle.
Stitch the one layer of binding
 around 1/4 inch from edge.
(I follow edge of general foot along edge of pot holder
thus the reason I use a fat 1 inch.)

Corners are folded as done for quilt binding.
A sample to show details of machine stitching around edge
1 inch strip is folding in half lengthwise,
then edges folded to center.
Iron to show crease.
Stitch on first crease.


But I'm not usually happy with the backside.
However, if I'm in a hurry or these are definitely more
for utility purposes and not worrying about how my skills work,
I use Georgia Bonesteel's "Fly By" method.
Said her Grandmother would ask,
 "If someone flies by on a horse, would they see it?"

To hand stitch,
still use the machine to stitch the strip (first step.)
Then fold over and hand stitch instead of machine top stitching.

Other related posts


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Quilt Shots 145~ Elkhorn Creek Quilt Guild Show 2022, Part 1


Just happened to be the first one you see when you walk in. We were proud. 

Quilt Shot 131~ Lenita's Friendship Star Group Quilt


Notice the scalloped piano keys border.


More quilts to see in part 2!