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Monday, May 30, 2022

Mon Memory 131~ Using a Paper Pattern


Oh, this event flooded in so many sewing memories. 
I have saved every pattern I've ever acquired.
I haven't ever tried to count how many I have.  Guesstimate = 500+?
 Recently, I had a need to make a newborn dress.
So I pulled out the patterns I used for my daughters.
I couldn't believe I actually needed to quickly review the instructions.
I've been told I'm a rebel,
and I am when it comes to not following pattern directions
and doing my own way.
Simplicity and McCalls seemed to never want to break tradition
and find a more simple, fast way.
But, in this case, I just needed to see their suggestions on 
finishing the bodice closure around the neck.

I can't remember how I got this bundle of fabric.
Rather than a yard sale,
I think it came in a box, bag of fabric someone
gave me.
It had the front and back pieces of a 
teenage size dress cut out and then a couple
of fat quarter size pieces and scraps
enough to make this dress.
When I looked through my
 drawer of lace (I have packed in a lot more since 2014),
low and behold I found just enough exactly matching lace!
Surely it came with the bundles of fabric?

 So because I now do quilting and mostly little projects
I rarely get around to making a garment
which I used to do ALL the time
so my kids and I would have something to wear
back in the day when you could make a garment
for 1/3 the price of store bought.

Yes! certainly a lot of memories while working on this project.

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Create with Joy: Inspire Me Monday  (a Must place to visit.)

Stone Cottage Adventures: Tues with a Twist.... Check out all the ideas on this linky


  1. I'm just starting into my 'sewing clothing for kiddies' phase with the birth of a wee baby granddaughter who simply has to have dresses made by Grandma (at least as long as she agrees to wear dresses!). I checked into McCall's patterns (Simplicity is no longer sold here...why, I wonder?) and was absolutely horrified when I saw the price. Good thing there's freebies available on the internet!

    1. We have Hobby Lobby here and I watch for their sales on patterns. I dont know if Joann still has pattern sales. When these places do they get down to 2$ or so. That was before our world changed almost 3 years ago. I went online to look at dress patterns and noticed choices for both McCalls and Simplicity are low.


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