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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Quilt Shot Block 153~ Scrappy North Star

North Star
made by a QOV friend
Today is QOV National Sew Day.
All around the USA
people are working alone or together on QOV quilts/projects.
This is the first year I've been able to attend a group session
because I was either in Florida where I worked on my own,
then 2 years of horrible virus,and last year we were snowed out.
Next Sat I'll try to post shots from today's event.
I brought home this QOV quilt a while back to
mend an accidental cut on the corner and to bind it.
The cutting accident happened on the very corner.


The front side was easy.
I just had to replace the 2.5 inch square.
Good thing we had matching fabric. 
I had used a Frixon pin to trace the quilting lines
before I removed the quilting stitches.
Then I was able to stitch the quilting lines back where
they originally had been.
I called this a "scrappy" North Star
because Clara D that made this quilt
made each star with
different fabrics of the center and points.

Research tells me this was a pattern
and it seems it was usually a solid color.
Some will say the use of quilts on the Underground Railroad
is not true because there is no original written history.
I'll argue all day, that is no proof, because
first a lot of people then could not read or write directions
 and therefore stories/directions were orally passed on & handed down.
Two, the Underground Railroad had to stay secret and
probably did not want to put anything in writing 
for people to discover.
This quilt might be awarded in May.
When it is awarded,
I'll post a full view of the quilt.


  1. I've been working on finishing an old quilt this winter too. Your's is amazing! Love the history behind it.

  2. Your take of the history is interesting and makes a lot of sense. I bet it was nice to participate after all that time. Lovely work!

  3. Great repair job - I can't even tell there had ever been an oopsie.
    Stands to reason that the quilts from the Underground Railroad were kept quiet for the protection of those most in need of them.


Have a JOYful day!
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