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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday Tutorial ~ Daughter's 2022 bday Doggie Card

My daughter is a major dog lover. I'm not pleased with the turnout of this card. Still a lot of learning to do with shade and contrast, but I think you can tell it's a dog. 
Tuesday Tutorial
This graphic can be found on several internet sites. 
I could find no copyright claim nor anyone to give credit.  
I printed the picture to fit 1/4 of the paper.
The graphic was taped to the back of the "Bottom of the Barrel" scrap sheet 
I've been making HERE and HERE
I made this sheet with white scrap pieces. 
I started with the eye.
The pin is helping to show where to put the fabric on the other side.

After stitching line was followed on the picture,
the piece was trimmed as closed to stitching as possible.

Too many flowers. 
Too confusing. 
The flower around the eye was a total surprise turn out.
After some hand stitched embroidering for teeth,
and highlight on the eye and nose,
I decided some of the flowers had to go.
Couldn't tell the difference between the dog and the background.
I decided to use the soft plain flannel on the main part of the dog.
A tactile feature! The sky is flannel as well.

Wished I had changed the bright green and
especially the bottom right corner.

 Oh well, I hope she likes it. 
It still reminds me of her doggies.
Happy Birthday!

*2 weeks later*
Well I just could not stand how this turned out.
Even had it in the unsealed envelope.
The morning I was to mail it, I just had to revise it.
The bottom right piece was just too distracting, I thought.
So I auditioned some pieces.


My visiting friend and I decided this lighter color
brought out the dog more.
Carefully took it off the card......
Then I made the next mistake.
I didn't follow the process I had used for the rest of the card of
stitching on the back of the card.
Instead, I stitched on the front.
There is a major difference in the look of the bobbin stitching,
and needle stitching.
So I thought if I added a heart,
it looked more deliberate?
At least my eye sees the dog better now.

 Sewed it back on another card.
She called to thank me for the card and gift.


  1. I like it - both ways - but I can see why you would want to change that corner a little bit. The heart was a great addition.

  2. Wow! This is so cool. I could definitely see the dog in the first iteration, but I like the last one with the heart too.

  3. I love this and the way you made it! Thanks for showing us the process. I do think the second one is better, but the first one was lovely too :) xx

  4. Such an interesting technique! It makes me want to try it. I’m hurrying to quickly put my blinders on to keep me focused on getting my UFOs finished first. Contrast is so important in a project like this. I have a lot to learn in that area, but this project would teach me a lot. Good job!


Have a JOYful day!
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