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Saturday, June 9, 2018

Quilt Shot Block #104~ Square in Squares

Square in Squares
15 inches

The last time I posted a quilt block was back in December when I showed Drummer Boy!
Illness has kept me away from the sewing room quiet a bit since November.
Our family has an upcoming wedding, so I pulled out my leftover collection of black and whites from the
quilt guild's "Black White Plus One Challenge" to make this new couple a quilt.
 This quilt starts with what I'm calling (after doing some research)
Square in Squares Blocks
A Square in Square typical adds to each 4 corners with a triangle.
Courthouse Steps starts with a small square in the center, usually the same width as the strips and
multiple strips around the center square. 
The original directions I'm following called for a jelly roll and layer cake (Moda Fabric names).
A layer cake is 10 inch squares, but I'm a rebel and changed to 8 inch squares 
because it just happened in a scrap bag of fabric, someone had cut six 8 inch black/white squares.
I cut 4 more to make 10.
Then I started cutting 2 ½ inch wide strips.
I cut as I sew rather than trying to calculate how many inches of strips I needed
so I don't have a bunch of leftover cut up pieces.
I might need different size pieces for the next project?
I roughly cut enough to make 3 or 4 blocks at a time.
I measured the length and cut 2 strips and that didn't work out too well.
The best method for me was to cut as I sewed.
I used the flip and cut method.
To be accurate, the edges matched when I folded, then I cut.
The strips are added as if making the Courthouse Steps block. 
Strips on opposing sides are first sewn, then the other opposing sides.
I've number an order above.
The blocks and part of the strips were cut the first day. 
Ten blocks were made the second day, with more cutting of strips.
These large blocks came together quickly because no matching needed to be done.
Next, the blocks will be cut to make the quilt.
Additional Quilt Blocks & Tips can be found on my 
Quilt Page


  1. What a gorgeous quilt this will be! I love the color scheme. Have a beautiful week!

  2. Hello, the blocks look great! Keep up the good work and thanks for the tips on the "flip and cut" method.

  3. Hi Joy,
    I'm glad you are able to get back to sewing, and you've picked a wonderful project. I love all the fabrics and patterns you've chosen. This will be a fabulous quilt when it is all assembled, and the new couple will enjoy it very much!
    Happy Tuesday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I love how these look. Who knew black and white could be so pretty?

  5. Simple blocks that really make a statement! Beautiful!


Have a JOYful day!
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