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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lucky to find 14 and Adams Mill Covered Bridges

Bridge #14-Angel Hill- Found in a golf course  ?????
Yes, this was listed on the Covered Bridge Map website and did have some history with it.
When was their last rain?

Bridge #15- Lancaster/ Beard
 Are they beginning to look all alike?  Noticing green grass here, like these folks have had rain!

Then we came upon another special site where we spent a bit of time.
 Bridge #16- Adams Mill  - Bolivar

Interesting to watching the water bounced light dancing around on the floor of the bridge.

Then up the road a few hundred yards was Bolivar Village with Adams Mill.

Shot taken by Mr. G's smartphone.  This was as it turned out from the phone, untouched. 


What does the horseshoe mean?

 Just because the scene reminded me of the creek where I live.

Dry?  All of these bridges were within an hour's drive and the one in the middle showed green grass.

Bridges 1-5; Bridges 6-10; Bridges 11-13 ; Bridges 17-27; Bridges 28-31

Well, the most unusual covered bridge is yet to come.  Stay tuned.  I'm glad to hear a few people are enJOYing the covered bridge posts.

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.


  1. this post is great. all so lovely. no covered bridge in my opinion is ever the same ...they are all so lovely & different. VA only has about 9, real covered bridges. we have seen all of the ones in VA. many that were there in the beginning have washed away or been torn down, etc. PA has nearly 300. amazing!! one of our loves ...from the beginning of our relationship we would go to see them. too fun. i love the out houses. my favorite views is the water wheel & sky color. can not wait for more covered bridge. super excited!! big hugs. (:

  2. Oh yes, I am enjoying the bridges and they are not all looking alike. I love the mill taken with the smart phone too. And the little cabins and the outhouses. Great photos. I'm staying tuned for the most unusual bridge.

  3. Wonderful set of pictures. I really love old bridges!

  4. Wonderful bridges, Joy! I really like #16 and the light reflecting off the water. The building on those stone pillars is awesome! You've photographed more covered bridges than I've seen in my lifetime.

  5. Gorgeous rural captures -- love the outhouses! (The horseshoe is for good luck.) :)

  6. Wow! Absolutely wonderful photos ~ well done ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment about my 'Scenes from the Side of the Road' post. You found some covered bridge beauties! The photo from the smartphone looks like a painting - just beautiful. I have become your newest follower and look forward to reading your future posts.

  8. Great series! Love the old mill.

  9. SUCH a beautiful series of shots... hard to pick just one! Each is so lush with the greens of summer... Thank you for sharing on WTS#41!

  10. Love the shot looking in to the red bridge.


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