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Friday, July 27, 2012

Quickest Sewing Machine Cover Ever

Well yeah, this is actually a serger.  I've had this baby since 1980 something.  Its made a bunch of clothes for my 2 daughters and me, some prom dresses, and a wedding dress, including all the bridesmaids, maid of honor and flower girl and mine.  Not to mention long stitching sessions of curtains and quilt piecing.  She's been taken in for regular maintenance with the only repair being made was due to a repair guy stripping the threads of the screw for the pressure foot.  I did a lot of research when I bought her and at the time the Consumer Report said it was the best one made.  They were right.  I drove 200 miles to Louisville to get it.  Like many sewing/fabric stores, I understand that downtown store died recently.  Sad.
   Well my Mama always told me to keep my machines covered when I wasn't using them.  No sense in letting more dust settle on and in them.  I had never gotten around to making a special cover, but just threw a colorful piece of fabric over it.  UNTIL..........

One day recently, I was going through one of those yard sale bags where you could take all the clothes you could stuff in a KMart bag for $1.  (JOY tip: Look at old clothes as fabrics, cheap fabrics.)  I had bought a suede skirt to make Mr. G. a new toiletry bag for travel because his blew up.

I threw the skirt over the serger where it would wait for me as my next project.

As King Julien in Madagascar says, "Lightbulb!"

 That's my pony tail holder.
 Turn right side out and wa-la!  
The Quickest Sewing Machine Cover EVER!

But wait!   Although the suede fabric looked very neat, I really wanted to make the toiletry bag with it.  So I looked through my stuffed bag of clothes a little further.  (JOY tip- if you have an opportunity to stuff as many clothes or anything cloth as you can into a bag, roll each piece as tight as you can.  This works well for packing a suitcase, too.)

I found this light turquoise child's skirt made of a gauze like fabric with a cotton lining.

I turned wrong side out, hand gathered waist.

Turn right side out.

Now my sweet Baby is protected by a couple of layers of soft, turquoise gauze.

On the opposite note, had this idea popped into my head, how long would it have taken me to find a cheap child's skirt that would be just right?  Does that happen to you?

 You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.


  1. Works for me! I look at sweaters for the yarn but haven't thought to look at clothes for the fabric. Lightbulb!

  2. I don't know squat about sewing machines other than my mother and grandmother both had one and were skilled in their use. I think my grandmother still has hers, although she doesn't use it much these days.

  3. It looks like it doesn't take up a lot of space either.

    1. When I do bigger projects like a quilt, I will have to move the big machine over or totally out of the way.

  4. The simplest ideas are often the best...

  5. What's that old saying....necessity is the mother of invention:)
    Funny how we come across ideas.

  6. Love it - I've been using an old table cloth - this is much more fun! Joining from Inspire Me Monday and new follower.

  7. Oh what a brilliant idea! So simple and it looks great!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. Such a great idea - now I'll be scouring the yard sales for a great skirt to use. Thanks for linking up to MightyCrafty Mondays! :)

  9. Well, what a pretty little cover you created. Loving it's simplicity and cuteness! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  10. Truly just fell into place LOL. You are so right, if you had been looking you would take a lifetime to find it. We just need to think outside the fabric store sometimes.
    I wish we had the fill a bag sales here in the UK. I had just discovered one in Australia then we moved to the UK. Must keep looking.
    London, UK

  11. I was going to say "works for me" then I saw that was your first comment. :D I stand by my first reaction, :D Thanks for sharing this week.


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