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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bridgeton Mill Bridge # 6+4=10

Bridge # 6
Continuing sharing our Indiana Covered Bridge trip.  This was the 6th bridge we found.  What a story they had to tell us at Bridgeton Mills. (Check out their site and blog because they don't have pictures of drought water.) I met a local fellow named Conrad that generously told me the story as well as the Miller.  Both seemed to love sharing the story. This bridge was a victim of arson in 2005 and was rebuilt by the community in 2006 without any help from the county. The wood came from across the field, built there and moved beside the modern bridge and then set in place.  A major event for this little town. 

Bridgeton Mill

Yes, I see it.  Didn't notice it until I posted it.

Even with such a fabulous bridge and mill for tourist to visit, it's pretty much a ghost town that comes alive one week in October.

Bridge # 7
Then on down the road we found the next bridge with its own little larger ghost town.  Again, you could tell this place gets very active sometime during October.  Lots of places for booths.

 There was also a mill located at this bridge.

Bridge #8
Almost missed seeing this one.  Can't figure out what it was crossing since it was parallel to the road.

Bridge #9
This one is not listed on because it apparently was built by an individual on their property with a sign that said if they don't know you, don't stop, but we counted it anyway.

Bridge #10

   Did you see

Bridges 1-5; Bridges 11-13 ; Bridges 14-16; Bridges 17-27; Bridges 28-31

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.



  1. That first bridge is pretty impressive! I've never seen a covered bridge that long. It's even more impressive they rebuilt it themselves. The mill is great, too! It's not as "fancy" as the others, but I really like #9, too! You definitely found covered bridge country! Enjoyed your photos very much!


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