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Monday, July 23, 2012

Bumble Bee Bird?

Sunday sitting on the couch looking at blogs and what to my wandering eyes should appear through the glass of my french doors?
Look VERY close around the purple flower on the deck.
If they are like the cardinals, then I'm guessing this one is female because the colors aren't as vibrant.

She soon flew off and then I saw ..........
Does he think he's hiding?

My friend BJ over at Brian King Images- Outdoor Photography (check out his awesome nature pictures) says this is an American Goldfinch.  

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas. 


  1. Beautiful shots of the goldfinches! The first one does look like a female. You're right, their plumage isn't as colorful as the males. And the females don't have the black cap. Thank you for the mention, Joy! Very kind of you!

  2. Oh such perfect images. I love gold finches and feed them, now I even have my daughter feeding them at her house. Thanks, love your post.

  3. Awesome photos!!! How lovely to look out the window and see birds...

  4. How sweet! I work from home and have a roof ledge overlooking my office window. I love when squirrels hop on by.

  5. Oh, I've got to show your pictures to my grandmother. Gold Finches are her fav bird...she points them out in every bird book she's ever shown me. Fav pic is that third from the last where the little guy looks like he's stretching. Too cute!

  6. Yes it is a gold finch. I think they are so pretty. I go outside every morning to watch the birds. But here at my house the most common birds are the sparrow and chickadee. Every now and then the cardinal couple will make an appearance but my rare treat is the grosebeak.

  7. Fantastic shots ~ very beautiful photography ~~ namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  8. That is for sure a female (the drab colored one) and male American Goldfinch. I have similar pictures on my bird blog (that I never update anymore since having a baby.) In the winter, they lose their gorgeous yellow coloring and will be more like the female an olive grayish color.

    1. Thanks Melissa for the info about the male losing his color during the winter. They seem more and more like the Cardinal all the time in behavior. I'll keep looking for the pictures of your bird. Couldn't find an email address.

  9. I have posted a picture of a colorful goldfinch like this on another blog today.....aren't they incredibly bright...

  10. Love your little goldfinches! (One of the few birds I know - they're so distinctive!)

  11. I have about six of them flying around my back yard. I put out special food just hoping to keep them happy and close. But they can give you heck if you get too close to a nest. I do not know where the nest is but it has to be on the far side of my barn.

    1. Thanks for the info. Good thing to know. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Beautiful captures of the Goldfinch!

  13. That's our state bird in Nebraska. So pretty.

  14. Amazing shots of the goldfinches. I wish they would sit still long enough for me to photograph.. Yes, I do believe that your first one is a female. The colors are more drab and I don't see the brilliant black in the wings. Wonderful photos.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  15. Love your photos - if I had that out my window the challenge would be that my windows aren't clean enough to take good photos through them. so you must have some darn clean windows!

  16. What a beautiful bird. I had to get rid of the bird feeders in my yard due to squirrels setting up residence. I so miss the birds...but not the squirrels...although they provide good photo ops also ;)

  17. what a beautiful bird. you captured such a great moment!

  18. Wow! Really neat pics-too fun:@)

  19. hi there. i hopped over thanks to rural thursdays ... glad to find your blog. i'm a new follower & i'm really enjoying your blog ... i will look around more. gorgeous views. i love goldfinches. cuties. take care. Beth - VA (:

  20. Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments. I've tried to get back to everyone but can't always find an email address. Maybe this note will find you?

  21. Lovey shots, Joy! The little finches are my favorite.

  22. Wonderful goldfinches!! I have them in my yard too!

  23. Great photo of a beautiful little bird - and a lovely color combination too.

  24. The Goldies are in KY! I spotted a flash of yellow in the park earlier this week and then one came to the kitchen window this morning. I was thrilled. Your photos are just great, especially in contrast with the purple blooms.

  25. He knows jolly well that the purple flowers are a perfect foil to his yellow plumage. Love the shots.


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