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Monday, November 6, 2023

Mon Mem 147~ Revisiting One Pattern Piece Lined Bag

The last time I made these bags was when I taught a Ladies Wednesday Night Bible Class. I needed to make several in a hurry, so I came up with this quick pattern to line a bag.  You can find that original post HERE. 

Now I'm leading the class again and find myself wanting to make more bags for these ladies. So I had to use my old post to remind me how I made them, especially the measurements.

This pattern is based on using 45inch wide fabric. Turns out the fabrics I wanted to use were scraps that were not 45 inch. This might be the case if you are using fat quarters. 

So I used 2 pieces that were 12 x 24½ inches plus two 2 x 15 inch strip for handles. So, yes, unfortunately it's not a one pattern piece for this project. One more seam had to be stitched since 2 fabrics were used. Hey, when working with scraps, the name of the game is put enough pieces together to make the size of fabric you need.

The seam on the opposite side is completely stitched with no opening left.

If you fold this very small, it makes it easier to turn the lining inside out.
It's hard to show a picture on how to turn the lining inside out completely.
The red you see is the pocket that was added to the lining.
See old post for pocket instructions.
An opening is not left in the bottom because it is on the fold.
Follow the directions on the old post. All you have to do after turning inside out is make the handles, add them and top stitch around the top which will close the opening that was left.

(see our discussion lesson link for Ladies' Wed NIght Discussion Group at the bottom of this web page view, not the mobile version page)

Shared at the following Linky Parties:


  1. Oh, I like that fabric!! Cute bag. Thanks so much for linking up at #IMadeItMondayLinkParty 32. Pinned.

  2. CONGRATS Joy! Your post is FEATURED at #IMadeItMondayLinkParty 33.


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