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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thoughtful Thurs 195~ Sewing Room Triangle

When planning a kitchen many of us have heard of the work triangle, stove, sink and fridge. I've set up 3 sewing rooms in my life and other sewing situations. I have often realized there are also 3 working centers, I think for sewing while sitting: Cutting, Sewing and Pressing. 
 Am I the only one that thinks this? Is there another center others also consider?
When I need, I can rotate the pressing board 
and slide over on top of the cutting surface.

My small pressing board that has a wool slip cover I made 
has to be moved to my right when the cutting area gets covered. 
I can set it in the pull out drawer on my right
 or push in the drawer and
set it on top of a wooden TV tray to the right. 
 After some discussion I started on the FB group
Sewing ROOM Ideas,
I realized I needed to relabel the "cutting" area to "workspace",
because really the major cutting for quilt fabrics and garment making
happens on the big cutting table.

It's sort of still a work triangle.
When I'm at the machine,
that little triangle is still important to me.
When I need to set up the ironing board, 
I either can lay it across the end of the cutting table,
or squeeze it in where I stood to take the picture.
So the aforementioned cutting space is not big enough to cut 45 inch wide fabric.

I can mark fabrics.
Snip blocks apart.
Use the scissors for trimming
and the unfortunate seam ripping takes place here
 because of the good lighting.
Quilt blocks are placed here
or garment pattern pieces in waiting.
There was mention in the discussion group to have a design wall. 
I don't have wall space for that, or even a place to clip one that I could reach.
Walls are chopped up too much.
So I have a large cutting mat simply laying on top of a
 piece of laminate that was used on walls years ago.
I slide them apart to widen the table big enough to hold 
up to five 12 in blocks across. 
I physically can't handle a king size quilt if I did have the space.
This is the size of memory quilts I make.
Good for wrapping up on the couch.
What are your thoughts about a working triangle?
Does it even matter?
I just think it makes sewing work go more smoothly. 

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  1. I've never given any thought to having a work triangle in my sewing room and would have to say mine is two-sided. I have a sewing table beneath the window with a higher cutting table to the left. I'm tall so DH put the cutting table up on blocks to make it more comfortable. My ironing surface is on a swing-out 'table' that's part of my computer's covered with a folded towel and a special ironing pad. When I'm ironing bigger items I can set up my 'real' ironing board but I rarely do. My dream is to have one of those sewing tables where the sewing machine is recessed into it because I know it would make it easier on my neck.

  2. I definitely need another table in my craft room to work at! It would help so much, but I have a ton crammed in here already lol! I think the triangle is a good idea, especially if you have a chair that can spin. I found you over on Creatively Beth's link party. I'd love to have you come over & share on Crafty Creators Link Party, open Thursdays at 6am through Monday nights. I think my readers would love to find you too! My other party, Happiness is Homemade opens tomorrow (Sun-Thurs), & you're welcome to share on both parties as they have different audiences. Hope to see you there!

  3. I think it really pays to be organized, which I am not. The triangle is a good practice and make so much sense.


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