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Friday, July 8, 2022

Fun Fri~ Installing Snaps on Baby Bibs


One of my good friends moved to Florida 
and gave me her box of sewing notions.
That box included "No Sew Snaps."
Back in the 70s when I made clothes for my babies,
I always shied away from any pattern that called for snaps 
like onesies, jumpsuits or bloomers.
Taking a closer look at this package,
I saw a device enclosed to help install the snaps.
I had made several scrappy bibs,
so thought I would try them.
The first one turned out just right.
As I applied more,
the turnout was about 50% successful.
I used button/buttonholes or hook n loop tape on the rest.


  1. I 'inherited' some of those too and, like you, the success rate wasn't great. I had a hard time getting them to install correctly and then was highly suspicious that they would perform well. Went back to good ol' dome fasteners.

  2. Those hammer-on snaps are so tricky! I have better luck with the sew-on snaps and always use them on bibs. It's my least favorite part of making bibs, but I know they'll work. Very cute bibs, Joy! They are a super way to use up scraps!

  3. I keep seeing the colourful all-plastic ones advertised. They look pretty, but I suspect they are not very durable, and definitely bad for the planet.

    1. I've wonder if plastic would be easier? I'm thinking they are made of the same stuff most buttons are made from?

  4. At least you gave them a try. Sorry they weren't more successful in the long run. But the finished product is so cute!!!

  5. What a shame only 50% were successful.. but like Lorraine said, at least you tried! The bibs are cute! xx


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