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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thoughtful Thurs 182~ Fidget Towels for Special Kids


I was asked to make what I will call a Fidget Towel
for visually impaired students.
I've made Fidget lap quilts before,
so I thought I could do this. 

I love making things like this because,
its so impromtu.
My goal was to include bright colors,
and different textures for feel.

Black towels were used, because the teacher
said it contrasted the colors the best. 

Making projects like this
give me a chance to try different techniques
like couching
using a rarely used foot.

It also gives me a chance to use the massive collection I have
of ribbon, yarn, lace and fabric scraps.

Among the scraps was leftover blanket pieces from
making PJ pants.
The edging was still on this piece,
so it was turned into a soft pocket.
I was told black and red were great contrast colors that attracted
the children.

In all, 4 different towels were finished.
There is a lot of thought that goes into a project like this.
You are thinking about both what the teacher needs to work with the student,
and what will give the student a great experience. 

I didn't think to cover my eyes and test the feel with my own hands.
Hey Kids,
It is my thought and hope that
you enJOY the warm fuzzies on this towel.



  1. I had never heard of fidget towels - what a great idea! I've seen fidget muffs for Alzheimer's patients but never for children.

  2. What a great idea and a great way to use all those sensory materials. I bet they'll be loved.


Have a JOYful day!
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