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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Quilt Shot Block 127 ~ Hour Glass


Hour Glass
QOV sent out a "Call of Action" for some 6½ inch Hour Glass blocks.
My friend cut the squares so I made them in no time,
following the method that QOV sent out. 
The method used was to cut a print and a background (white) square
larger than the raw finished Hour Glass.
The formula is to add 3/8 inch,
but in our case we used the easier 7½ inch measurement,
then trimmed the final square.
There are several HST (Half Square Triangle) cheat sheets for calculating.
Just search for one.
Then sew as follow to make 4 HSTs.

Place the 2 squares right sides together.
 Mark one diagonal line using your favorite method.
Sew quarter inch seam on each side of that diagonal line.

I used a turn table mat to
 cut apart FIRST on the diagonal NOT MARKED and sewn.
Then ROTATE the mat and CUT ON THE LINE that was stitched on each side. 
Then sew together as shown below.
These pictures came from the QOV printout we were given.
I'm not able to find a link to the document.

I really like the QOV quilt over at Katy Quilts.
You can spend a lot of time looking for quilts made with just this one block
in any size you like.


  1. Nice blocks! Now you have me curious to know more about your turn table mat. I assume you mean it's one that itself turns so you don't have to turn your fabrics. I wonder what stops them from turning when you don't want them to?

    1. Magpie, your right. You turn the mat instead of picking up fabric and disturbing the cut. Works like a lazy Susan. Just turn by hand where you want


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