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Friday, November 20, 2020

Fun Friday ~ Scrappy Border


Putting together scraps from making masks to make a quilt border.
This is what I call fun because it's comforting.
Part of keeping my sanity through 2020 without adding calories.
Scrap pieces were cut into 2½ inch strips,
and sewn together.
I had no way of calculating how much of this scrappy fabric to make.
My instinct just kinda tells me.

I had many more scraps to continue.
Really, I couldn't stop.
At this point,
I had to stop for another project,
but on a later day,
I cut it into strips.
My way of measuring for a border is to simply lay the border on the side of the quilt spread out on my cutting table. No actual measuring is done. Why should I measure?
After I cut the piece into 2½ inch strips,
there was enough left for a 6 inch block!
My instinct worked!


  1. Perfect way to use up those pretty scraps, Joy! This kind of sewing is so soothing and really takes the mind off of "reality" and away from the fridge! Your border is going to look fab on whatever quilt top you choose!

  2. Good instincts for sure! I love the scrappy look for borders so I suspect this will be perfect.

  3. What an interesting way to create a pieced border!


Have a JOYful day!
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