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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Quilt Grabber Helper

Tuesday Tip
A lot of these "grabbers" & "go fers" are now around my house
due to my limited rage of motion.
However, I wished I'd had one of these some time ago,
to save me time from going around to the other side of the sewing table
just to straighten out some fabric.


  1. I've often thought of getting one of these, just so I could pick things up that continually seem to land on the floor. I'd also like a long magnetic wand to help me find dropped needles and pins in my carpeted sewing room.

  2. Mr. G got me one of those magnetic wands at a tool supply store which was intended to help a mechanic retrieve dropped nuts and bolts. Very strong. Amazing how much cheaper things are there than at a fabric store with different packaging and name. Such as a magnetic bowl for bolts us also used for pins. About a third the cost at tool shop!


Have a JOYful day!
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