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Monday, October 2, 2017

Memory Mon 66~ Crystal's Dress Completed

Back last spring, Crystal came over an chose one of my 1950s patterns that had belonged to my Mother.
Crystal really loves the vintage look.
She had made a pillow with her daughter and basically no experience making a dress.
I told her she was starting out at about a level 5, and this pattern was not easy.
She wanted to do it anyway. 
She had come with fabric in hand.  
It took about 4 hours to lay out, pin and cut out the dress.
We finally got back together on the first Wednesday in September.
So for 4 to 5 hours on each Wednesday of the month,
she worked step by step with my directions of trying to share the easiest possible techniques.
Many times we had to go against the pattern's directions.
Wow, why did they have to do things the hard way back then?

Regardless, this past Wednesday,
Crystal made a memory that she has every right to be proud of.
I was worried it wouldn't fit,
but the blousin bodice looks good on her,
I think.
She plans to wear a leather belt which she didn't have with her.
I especially love the look of the back including the collar

and the way the darts line up around the zipper in the back.
Again, visualize a leather belt around the waist.

 So in about 20 hours, I believe there were some good memories made for Crystal.
I know I have several wonderful memories.


Wordless Wednesday #235 ~ Sharing Sewing Skills 


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful pattern and I love the fabric, too! Congrats to Crystal! That is a very pretty dress! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    I'd like to feature this post today at Tuesdays with a Twist. I hope you have time to join us again this week!


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