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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Quilt Shot Block #75 ~ New York Flag

New York Flag
12½ inch block
I thought this block worked well for the past 4th of July celebration.
Elkhorn Creek States BOM (1 of 4 for July)
The "Thimble" fabric is required in every block of the month for this challenge. 
 We were given pattern pieces to cut out, but this is my version
made by first cutting strips, then squares.
Taking 4 dark blue squares, fold in half and press.

Mark from corner to center on wrong side (back) of fabric.

Fold 3 inch squares in half.
You will be stitching from corner to corner, so you need to add 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Place quarter inch mark of ruler on line from corner to corner,
marking the line 1/4 inch away from quarter inch.
Cut on "Mark here" line.

To keep oriented if you have spatial problems like I do sometimes,
lay the pieces on the square.
Flip over the piece to line up with line drawn earlier on the wrong side of dark fabric (back).
Just move the other piece to the left to wait to be added later.
Now you see the reason for cutting the thimble fabric square a half inch larger.
You can see the fabric peek past the line drawn on the back of the blue fabric.
This helps to line up the thimble piece.
Stitch along marked line seen on the back of the dark fabric.
Turn over, flip and place the other piece on top.
Repeat the left side.
When both sides are finished, press &
use the blue square to help you trim down to the 2½ inch square.
Trim away excess blue to leave seam.
I realize my method doesn't leave exact points on the star.

We only had a black and white drawn picture of the finished square.
I decided to use various reds since the pieces were divided into 6½ strips and not one long strip.
If I had different white on white fabrics, I would have used those.
I think this is a great block for a patriotic pillow or part of a Quilt of Valor.
 Other Block of the Months for Elkhorn Creek Quilt Guild Challenge
that have been made and posted earlier are as follows:
Click on block for link.

Arizona, Missouri Star and Kentucky

Thanks to the FREE program

 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo & other alterations to pictures.

and making the quilt sample pictures with the COMBINE tool.


  1. What a neat block for the season! I liked that thimble fabric that you used for the star, says she who is a thimble collector.

  2. I do like your block. I've not seen the star points made that way before, but I might try it as peaky and spike are so tricky. Always willing to try another way to make them!


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