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Monday, January 8, 2024

Mon Memory 149~ Mr. G's Last Flower Presented to Me Still Blooms 2 Years Later


Mr. G bought this plant 
from his Grand Daughter
for a fund raiser she had for her dance team.
It didn't arrive until he was in the hospital on the ventilator.
His daughter placed it beside his casket for me to take home
after the funeral.
It kept red leaves until this summer when It shed several leaves.
I was worried that the end for the plant was approaching.
I continued to keep watering it well about every four days. 
In late October it showed its first read leaves in 3 different places.
When turning the plant to help it view the sun differently
and grow in a different direction,
a branch with a red leave broke off.
It was hugging the window for all the sun it could grab.
It is barely surviving in water presently.
The other red leave is still small and not grown other leaves. 
Meanwhile, this part has flourished.
This is the first time I've ever had a poinsettia to 
live past the season.
I'm thrilled to still have it for the memory of Mr. G.
Maybe I should name the plant?  GLee? (his first intial middle name)



1 comment:

  1. How lovely that it's blooming again! I've never had any luck with them coming back so you must be doing something right.


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