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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wordless Wednesday 347~ Broken Rose Stem Brings Home Cheer

From a broken stem on my Knock Out Rose Mr. G had planted.
Cut and brought to the kitchen table to enjoy.
Just happened to catch the morning sprinkles.




  1. I think a simple cutting in an empty jelly jar is classic summer on the table. So simple and so lovely.

    1. I totally agree. Add the old wooden table, now to me that's the classic "Farmhouse" look because I've lived in a farm house about half my life.

  2. I surely wish I had at least one rose bush in my garden, but sadly enough I have no flowers! You see I am allergic to bee stings and as a matter of fact so is my youngest son! OUCH!!!! So, I don't take chances, but admiring everyone else's as far as that goes! They're so very beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Would you believe I don't see bees around this kind of rose bush. So far I'm not allergic, but I hate being stung.

  3. Beautiful roses!!! Absolutely breath-taking!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So pretty! I imagine that they must smell wonderful.


Have a JOYful day!
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