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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Tuesday Tip~ Clean Machine Extra Job


My Continental M7 (thinking of calling her Emmie)
 sewing machine which I love more than
a person should love an inanimate object, 
tells ME when she should be cleaned.
I usually remember to clean a machine,
but I'd lost track.
Notice, after I hit the OK button,
she proceeds to remind me how to do the clean up job.
She was telling the truth.
I'd not noticed this when changing bobbins.
Only after taking off the plate and the bobbin case,
did I see ALL this!
I use my old tweezers that came with my serger back in the 80s,
to pull out a lot of this.

The best tool is one of any of the brushes I've accumulated via
various machines.
They all seem to have a magnetic force that attracts the fuzz.
So HERE is my REAL Tuesday Tip for today.
I came up with the idea when I pull out my phone to take
these shots.
While you're at it
with this brush! 
You're welcome.
Now excuse me while I pull out my hand vacuum to give Emmie one last swipe
 and I go clean some of my other machines.
Especially, Little Brother, that I only use when we travel to workshops. 
I always just bring him in and put him away.
Poor thing.


  1. My sewing machines also tell me when they need cleaning... they start to clunk! And after I clean them they purr..... :) Emmie is the perfect name for her!! xx

  2. More and more things are becoming smarter than us these days. I just read a tip somewhere that said to use a pipe cleaner to clean your sewing machine. Guess that would work if you didn't have that specialty brush.

  3. Good reminder! I try to remember to clean mine between large projects but sometimes I must admit it gets ahead of me.


Have a JOYful day!
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