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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thoughful Thurs 189~ Thinking of You


Last week I got a special thoughful card
from my best friend in high school and college roommate.
Matter of fact, 
the flower on the card reminds me of our dorm deco.

It also mentioned she hoped I would be at our upcoming HS class reunion.
Our BIG one that was put off for 2 years.

I missed an impromtu just girls gathering back in July
 because I had already committed to attend a wedding.
Unfortunately, I'd missed the last class reunion too due to a Florida family wedding.
We went ahead and scheduled one for Oct trying to hit a common date for all.
I didn't have anything scheduled for the date chosen.
Since then, would you believe
2 major events have come up for that date!
but never mind,
Lord willing,
I'm going to that class reunion!
So nice to have all those old thoughts floating around in our heads.


  1. I tend to avoid class reunions like the plague. I must admit to having absolutely no interest in what happened to any of my classmates beyond one or two that I still am in contact with. High school was not an experience I would ever want to repeat.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear you didn't have the great high school experience that I did. There were barely over 50 of us. We lived in the country but were still a very close group even between girls and boys. Lots of great friendship. Maybe because we were isolated a lot at home out in the country and school and the few ball games were the only socializing event we had. So most all of us have stayed in touch. Now University life is a different thing. Barely knew anyone. Besides my relatives I keep in touch with 2 and that's because they were connected to a cousin that went to school when I did.


Have a JOYful day!
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