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Friday, September 16, 2022

Fun Fri~ A Birthday Card for a Trophy Store Owner


I first made a Word Document 
using the free program download from Open Office.
I copied some blackline clipart for a pattern to follow. Just google. 
The top one is on several clipart sites. 
Then I typed "Happy Birthday" in various fonts and sizes
to be cut out and stitched onto the card.

Great use for scraps of embroidery stabilizer
is for backing of the stitched pieces.
Dryer sheets work too.

A good friend gave me the UK fabric scraps.
I don't sell anything with these patented fabrics.


I guess he got it?

Monday, September 12, 2022

Mon Memory 138~ My First Out of State Trip Alone AG: Cardinal Quilt & Fabric Store


I finally exhaled a bit,
put on my big girl pants,
forgot about all the bad news crazies out there,
and went on my first out of state, After G road trip.
I know, it was only less than 2 hours away
and just across the Ohio River,
but I'm counting it.
Right off I missed him not driving
so I could take my drive by shots.
I pulled over to take some pictures, like these.
I had google map on "Off Highway"
like Mr. G and I usually did,
and as a result it took me by Kentucky's BIG auto race track.

I was taking pictures with my Nikon,
which has a view finder
that's impossible to use while driving.
So, I set it on "action" shots,
held it up toward the direction I wanted
and held down the button while it 
took about 12 shots automatically 
and I get what I get,
while I looked ahead to see where I was going.
Then, the good thing is
I used Photoscape!
and get this:
No way could I take a picture
with my phone and drive.
Some farmer was getting good use of the parking lots.

 Over the Ohio!

G and I always loved driving the north side of the Ohio.
A much better view than the Kentucky side.

Talk about a ton of fabric choices.
 I bought 3 yards for a new patriotic yard flag.
ALL fabric except backing fabric is 5$ a yard!!!!!

The lady helping me check out,
said the owner says 
people around there don't have a lot of money
and she wants them to be able to buy fabric.
The first thing you're probably saying is 
it is low quality fabric.
You are wrong. 
First touch, I knew it is high quality.
Several brand names in this store
if that's what you look for, unlike me, I don't.
I hope to return someday.
It was a very interesting little town.
If you are traveling the Interstate between
Louisville and Cincinnati
just exit on highway 1039 N
Cross the Ohio River,
turn left. 
As of August, when I went,
Google Map takes you to old location,
although the address for Cardinal Quilts and Fabric is correct.
So type in that address.

Lots of shops in this town,
and a couple of places to eat.
I think it would be worth checking more of them out.
I like the nostalgia of this town,
don't care about buying more stuff.
Actually, I know there are several towns on the north side of the Ohio River in Indiana and Ohio with shops. 
I headed back south to Frankfort
where I went to an afternoon matinee
with a barrel of popcorn
and still had supper at a pizza place
before heading home.
Took off my big girl pants,
and thought of the memories I made
without Mr. G.
Miss him.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Quilt Shot 149~ Donna's Great Grand Baby Quilt


My very good friend Donna,
is getting back into making quilts.
She first made one for her Grand Daughter's wedding.
Now that Grand Daughter is having her first baby.

Donna once again,
considers herself as a beginner.
By the looks of this quilt,
to refer to an old saying, 
I think she will ride that bike soon.
She spent hours designing and shopping for this quilt top
which she cut and sewed.

Then she asked me to free hand cut the letters,
and machine applique them
using the fabric of her choice.
She then asked another friend of ours
to do the quilting and the binding.

 Her dream came together perfectly.
I love the border choices.
My eye is first tricked into thinking there is a
lace border
until I look more closely.

She says the next quilt she makes will be with squares.
I think that's a great way to get started back into quilting.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thoughful Thurs 189~ Thinking of You


Last week I got a special thoughful card
from my best friend in high school and college roommate.
Matter of fact, 
the flower on the card reminds me of our dorm deco.

It also mentioned she hoped I would be at our upcoming HS class reunion.
Our BIG one that was put off for 2 years.

I missed an impromtu just girls gathering back in July
 because I had already committed to attend a wedding.
Unfortunately, I'd missed the last class reunion too due to a Florida family wedding.
We went ahead and scheduled one for Oct trying to hit a common date for all.
I didn't have anything scheduled for the date chosen.
Since then, would you believe
2 major events have come up for that date!
but never mind,
Lord willing,
I'm going to that class reunion!
So nice to have all those old thoughts floating around in our heads.