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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tues Tutorial ~ Pants/Skirt Expander


       Here's a quick and temporary way to add more room to those pants or skirt that don't fit well around the middle right now IF you wear a long top. These were made for someone that had just begun waiting for a little one to arrive in about 6 months.  Some of you might want to have these ready to use after those wonderful holiday meals?
       You just need scrap fabric, 1/2 inch non-roll elastic and a button to fit the button hole.

Tuesday Tutorial

You'll need 4 pieces of fabric about 2 x 2¼ inches or 2 x height of waist band.
The opening is slightly over 1/2 inch to allow for the 1/2 inch elastic.
Stitch and trim as shown above.
Turn inside out.
Insert 1/2 inch non-roll elastic and cross stitch as shown above.
I find this cross effect the  strongest.
Then top stitch all around as shown to add sturdiness.
Find a button that fits the size of the pants or skirt's button hole.
Stitch the button on one end.
Or use a button with a post and pin on the button to add more adjustability.
You can use different lengths of elastic.
Here is one that folds under the elastic and holds with a safety pin
so it can be adjusted more.
As you see,
on the other end, stitch a button hole to match the button of the pants/skirt.
Here is how the "expander" is used.
Of course if the pants/skirts had a hook and loop opening,
you would use a hook and a loop instead of a button and button hole.
Now go find a long top to wear with expanded pants or skirts,
and no one will no the secret.



1 comment:

  1. How brilliant!!! Wish I had some of these over thirty years ago when I was pregnant. I never did need to buy any maternity clothes because I didn't show all that much (both babies were nearly 9 lbs though so not sure where I stuffed them!) and could have used something like this so I could have been a bit more comfortable.


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