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Friday, July 23, 2021

Fun Fri ~ Melissa's Marvelous Fabric Flowers


Melissa is a new wonderful friend I met this past spring. We worked together to make Lenita and Laura's quilts.  She's a VERY creative person.  She made these flowers from the scraps leftover from making face masks last year.  Her sweet Mother sent me a couple of pictures so I can share with you. I've cropped them to get a close up of the details of these beautiful pieces of work.



  1. They are SO pretty!!! I'm sure she could sell them very easily (perhaps she already does).

  2. Thank you for your sweet words. You missed your calling as a photographer. You have great cropping skills. You made them look even more beautiful.

    1. You are very welcome. I love blogging because it calls for me to do things I love: sewing, quilting, traveling and photographing it all.


Have a JOYful day!
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