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Friday, July 23, 2021

Fun Fri ~ Melissa's Marvelous Fabric Flowers


Melissa is a new wonderful friend I met this past spring. We worked together to make Lenita and Laura's quilts.  She's a VERY creative person.  She made these flowers from the scraps leftover from making face masks last year.  Her sweet Mother sent me a couple of pictures so I can share with you. I've cropped them to get a close up of the details of these beautiful pieces of work.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Mon Memory 123~ Mr. G's Christmas in July Surprise


Mr. G surprised me last week with Christmas in July.
He brought in a large bag of gifts.
Just because.
A memory to be for sure.

I've outgrown my fabric scrap bucket,
so this nice container will take its place.
Mr. G added the name.

I can always use a mug with my name.

He got the little garbage can because he thought it was cute. 
It will hold the sweetner packets.
He also got the sign in the background.
He knows me.
A red adult sippy cup.
He knows I love red,
and I use a sippy cup all the time
if I'm not drinking my vitamin C.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thoughful Thurs 175~ Temperature Quilt Science/Tech Unit

    This past winter while in Florida, when I had more time to let my mind wander and have thoughts, my dear Canadian Blogger friend at Magpie Mumblings presented the idea of a temperature quilt. It was odd this was a hexie quilt which I had been working on by hand while in Florida.

I thought this would be a great weather unit for a science/tech class!  So I wrote a unit. Yeah, call me a nerd. Once a teacher, always a teacher.  No one has used the unit, but I thought I'd post it here, and maybe someone just might be interested. 
I wrote the unit using the FREE Apache Open Office  programs explaining how to use their data sheet. This Suite of programs works very similar to Microsoft Office.  Microsoft Office should open them.


Documents to Download:
I'm thinking their just might be a Home Schooler and a Quilter that wants to use up some scraps out there that might make a connection?
Just a thought.



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday Tutorial ~ Oversized Bottle Cap Pin Cushion


This past spring when I taught the sewing class at the Christian Academy, I needed a way for students to keep track of pins needed for their projects.  I decided to make them a tool they would need for the rest of their sewing life.  They came out a bit larger than I intended like the red cap.  However, I rather liked the oversized cushion.
Tuesday Tutorial
Yep, I actually have a compass in my sewing room, saved from my classroom teaching days.
Scrap paper always comes in handy.
In my younger days we used card board from cracker boxes to make they call them templates.
However, paper works better for me.

The longest stitch on my machine is a 7.0.

Another project that can be added to the scrap book.
I like solid colors for pin cushion.
Prints challenge my eyes too much when looking for pins.
I made a different color for each of my 8 students so 
they would be able to identify their own cushion.
A glue gun would probably have worked better, but I was out of glue sticks.
So I wrapped in a heavy thread I had.
Similar to 2 strands of embroidery thread.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Fun Fri ~ Scrappy Fourth of July Yard Flag


Another one for the Scraps Book!
Dug into my scrap bag and made another yard flag for my 
neighbor that so kindly keeps my side yard mowed,
because he enjoys it!

My flag from last year had faded quite a bit.
I'm keeping it as a guide to make future flags.

Also, good thing I write a blog.
I probably use it more than anyone for reference, I'm sure.
Although, I keep a sewing journal to remind me of fabric I used,
directions and measurements,
I often go to my blog so I can refer to pictures.

So I looked back at 

Elementary School Star Yard Flag

 for measurements
and how to make the flag bar strip across the top
that slips onto the flag holder.

Had to sew some scraps together that just happened to be 2½ inches wide,
to make just one more strip I needed.
So many things out of this scrap bag
have turned out to be just enough.
I had 2 one inch pieces left.

I was rather stubborn and didn't follow my measurements exactly,
and just trimmed down as I went.
Can you see how I turned under the edges of the dark blue star pieces
and top stitched to create a piece large enough to cut a 7½ inch square?


Happy Fourth of July USA!