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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday 167~ When You Run Out of Mugs

I've made a bunch of mug organizers
with the pattern I created
a few years ago.
Its been very popular.
You really can't name any one or any age that can't use one.

The problem is
one usually uses up all the mugs.
So think about it..........
I know some of you have already come up with the idea

Made a birthday gift for someone whose life is big
when it comes to dancing both onstage and for the school team.
I've got the measurements posted on the wall,
so I can cut one of these up in no time.

A quick pressing to mark the folds of the pockets
and stitching them down,
stitch the ties,
sew on the backing and top stitch and wal la......A gift!

with a tin can hidden inside.

Think about it!
One "can" usually recycle.

1 comment:

  1. I've made them using mugs but it never occurred to me that a can would work just as well (and a whole lot cheaper to do too!). Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!


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