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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Quilt Shot ~ Memory Quilts of Fla Quilt Shows 2020

From Melbourne, Fla, USA
by Joan Engel



The following were from the show at 
Ft. Pierce
So sorry Trudi Shiverdecker that I didn't get a shot of the name card.
I cropped this one from the picture above.

On the way out several small quilts resulting from a quilt challenge were
displayed that asked viewers to vote for the best concerning challenge rules.
The quilt had to display 13 in some way.
To not influence voters no name cards were displayed,
so there is no name card for the following quilt.
I was told it was made with the Quilter's father's ties.

Even the greeters had a hard time helping me find the "13."
Of course we were counting the ties.
Finally, found 13 special machine stitches on each side of the medallion.
Yes, I voted for this one.

1 comment:

  1. That first quilt is both powerful and incredibly sad. It must have been so difficult to work on. Equally impressive is the second one - such a novel way to display winning ribbons which are so often just shoved in a drawer.


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