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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Flat Bottom Circle Drawstring Bag

  Here's another gift for this past Christmas I made for some friends.  I liked these bags so well, I made a couple for myself. 
   I got the idea from Carolina Stefano's YouTube, but I'm posting this to add some tips in making these super versatile bags.

Tuesday Tip
For some time I've looked for a bag to take to sewing groups/classes
that doesn't have me digging for items.
I love how this opens up allowing me to see everything
without taking all out and laying on table.  
The ridge also keeps small things from falling off the table.

It can also hold odd shaped items.
I'm now using 1 bag in Florida to hold make up, keys, ID, cards & receipts
as it lays on the counter top.
The other is holding scrap booking pens and scissors.
We know how pens like to roll anywhere/everywhere.

These are very quick to make
and you can make any size you like by changing the size of the circle.
First you might want to watch the video, 
then check my tips below.

My Tips
Instead of cutting out a large circle,
fold fabric and your circle pattern in half then half again
and cut 1/4 of circle's edge at one time. Done.
I used the same circle I found to make the 
Jewelry Bag in my earlier post.
Remember you can use any size circle you like.
Strips for drawstring casing can be cut from scraps
and sewn together.
Look at weave to see the bias.
The reason you need bias cut is for easier sewing around the curved circle edge.
Also stretching fabric for longest stretch helps to find bias of fabric.
Use the 45° angle line on the ruler to cut ends
to sew the strips together to eliminate bulky straight seams.
Use a quarter inch seam foot to sew strips together.
I don't do a lot of actual measuring.
I laid the strip down 4 times along this section plus some to measure
and approximate length I would need to go around the circle.

 I marked each section and numbered so I wouldn't lose count.
The marks also helped me to pin the strip around the edge to make sure I evenly laid the strip.
On the 2 circles nip a "V" shape notch on opposite ends of the half fold
to mark where each of the 2 strips will start and begin.

Use the quarter inch foot to stitch the casing to the first circle.
 add the second circle
stitch on the side of the circle where you can see the stitching
you just made.
This time stitch along the outside edge of the foot.
This makes sure you are stitching inside the previous stitching
to make sure its hidden.

Again, I don't measure,
just laid the cording around the edge
and overlapped ends a bit,
then used it to cut the second one.
The only thing I don't care for is the extra 
amount of cord/string that's left hanging
after you tie it.
Have you noticed they are reversible?

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I can see so many uses for these. I think guys would like these too.


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