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Monday, December 31, 2018

Memory Monday 108 ~ Old Plans

Today is as good a day as any to make plans for the coming year.
One thing I'm doing is changing old plans.
Not putting as big of a demand on myself.
I'll be posted on a more casual basis and not every single day.
I still enjoy doing it,
but lately I have to fight my arthritis too much to get my dreams done.
Just life.
We'll keep making memories.


  1. Life is a constant adjustment. I understand you too well; hands are sturdy but need to be treated kindly, even more so with the passing years. Gorgeous picture. 🥂Happy New Year!🥂

  2. I'm so with you on dealing with 'Arthur' - wish he'd take a hike. I'm ending the year (and by the looks of things starting off the next) with a big use-it-up push. Doing well so far - remains to be seen how long it will last!! Happy 2019!


Have a JOYful day!
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