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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Gift Bag That Turns Into a Top

   I not only totally advocate cloth shopping bags, but also cloth gift bags when at all possible. Last spring while getting ready to make a bag for a birthday gift, I noticed the tops the girls were wearing and thought the design of the top looked so much like the bags I made.

Tuesday Tutorial Teaser

 So, I decided to add a band to the top of the bag 
and put the handles on in a different direction.

    After the gift is removed, take the stitches out of the bottom easily because long stitches were used.  Make some adjustments of the side seam under the arm. 
    Update Note: I love Kathy's idea in the comments below.  Add a ribbon or cord in the band, to draw up the top under the arm area.  The receiver may not have a way to sew up the side seams. You have a new top.
This does look to be more of a night shirt?

Also helps to have a beautiful model.


 You'll find this post at several Linky Parties
Please check them out for some great ideas.

Thanks to 
FREE Photoscape for downsizing, photo enhancements & watermarking photo
Open Office for the FREE word processor


  1. You are so clever, Joy! I think it makes a really cute summer shirt! You could add a pretty ribbon or cording the top band to add detail and gather the top rather than take it in. Even if used as a nightshirt, you've got a pattern that's got another use!

    1. Kathy, I LOVE the ribbon/cording drawing string type idea in the band to gather the top under the underarm rather than leave it up to the receiver to sew up the seams under the arm!

  2. 'Such a clever idea! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Definitely a clever idea! You could also add some fabric onto the bottom to make it into a pretty nightie.


Have a JOYful day!
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