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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thoughtful Thinking Thursday #118 ~ Wrapping Up in Landfills?

How much of your money goes into landfills within an hour?
If you wrap gifts or put them in paper bags that aren't reused,
and it takes an hour for your family to open all their gifts,
then what happens with ALL that paper?
In my early married years, money was tight.
I saved wrapping paper and reused it.
When paper bags came along, we saved those too.
My sister and I used to have a tradition to pass the same bag back and forth.
I have this thing about everyone's gift wrapped up alike so no favoritism is shown.
Then one year I came across a large roll of fabric and made fabric bags.
Since then, I look for either a large amount of fabric of Christmas colors,
or rolls of wallpaper at yard sales and second hand stores for a dollar or 2.
Wall paper is strong and can also be reused.  The embossed paper can make an elegant looking gift.
The roll above wasn't very wide, and apparently was cut off from some curtains.
I loved the country Christmas colors.
Found it in Florida last winter for a $1.00.
Also got the crochet thread there for a buck.
I've been told by those that receive my bags,
they do reuse them.
At least I don't see them in the waste can except for maybe a couple.
Is it worth stopping wrapping paper from going to the landfills?
"THINK about it."


Have a JOYful day!
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