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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Quilt Shot Block #102~ Joy's Parcheesi Game Block

Joy's Parcheesi Game Block
a part of the Game Quilt
about 34 inches square.
The different games were sketched out and planned, but still some "wing-it-as-you-go" happened.
Each square represented 2 inch blocks so as not to be too oversized,
and to make math easier.

 Made sure 2 pieces next to each other were not alike.
Moved sections to the machine via rotating mat.
 To make up for 4 colors being in a row of 5,
1 inch wide pieces were placed between each colored square using 1/4 inch seam.
That put 1/2 inch between each, making up the extra 2 inch square plus extra quarter inch seam on end.

 I chose to do squares to place pieces for starting point instead of the traditional circle
which would have involved curved piecing.
Only 4 game pieces are used, so the center was a different fabric.

 Even though I used a formula to determine the size of the triangles needed,
the square still came out to small.
My only direction is to make these pieces oversized then cut down to size needed
which is roughly ultimately a 10 inch square.

Finally, all the pieces are ready to put together.
This 34 inch square could be a small stand along quilt.

A part of the Game Quilt


  1. What a neat quilt, that was always a favorite game of mine. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks! I am going to work on this... might make it a bit bigger... (?)
    What did you use for the game pieces (the "men")?

    1. I'm thrilled you're interested! Please see link above for "Game Pieces" which shows the softies I made to go in pocket on quilt so when used as a cover, it was soft. Otherwise, I suggest buttons especially metal with different designs. Also, bottle caps of different colors or painted/picture marked with paint or permanent marker.


Have a JOYful day!
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