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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Quilt Shot Block #100~ Tic Tac Toe Game

17 inches
Tic Tac Toe Game

I cannot name this block "Tic Tac Toe" due to the fact there is a vintage block already by that name.
This is for playing Tic Tac Toe
This block was made serendipity style.
2 inch strips were cut for the 9 block and black strips.
3½ inch strips were cut for the rest of the block.
As pieces were produced, the block grew as I added on.
There was no beginning planning drawn out in my grid notebook.

 All of the pieces were cut from scraps.
This means there were different numbers, lengths and colors of strips,
but all cut 3½ inches wide.
I didn't measure for length, I just cut till I "felt" I had enough.
Like a cook throwing together a stew without a recipe.
 Strips were sewn together at right angles like you do binding sometimes.
When the strip's seams were trimmed, triangles resulted which were then sewn together to make squares.

 There just happened to be 9 half square triangles. 
Paying attention to the black strip length,
I trimmed the HST to 2½ inch squares and sewed a very small quarter inch seam
& added red 2½" corner blocks.
To make the block comparable to the rest of the blocks going into this quilt,
I added another row of 3½ inch strips.
Game pieces shown in this past Tuesday's post will be used to play this simple game.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! We can always count on the right-angle strips to make a job easier and faster. :-)


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